(B) To cooperate, collaborate, join in, help each other, unite, work in unison. See tarambáyaw.
(H) Notice; consideration, observation, things to be observed or to be paid attention to. (see tamúd).
(H) That is to be planted or sown (sowed), crops to be planted. (see talámnan).
See támos-to bite, etc.
Gathering, meeting, assembly, congregation, place where a meeting is held. (see támpù, tilipunán, talapuán, talapuánan, kilitáan, tinipón-*típon).
Assembly, gathering, meeting, caucus, congregation, concourse, place where people collect or come together. (see talampúyuk, tilipunán, tinipóntípon, katipúnan, katilíngban).
(H) Sight, show, view, spectacle, scene, display, drama, stage-play, anything to be seen or worth while seeing. (see tán-aw).
Sign, mark, indication, symptom, symbol, token, observation, prospect; list, memorandum, record, composition or exercise book, note-book. May talandáan sang--. There is a sign or symptom of--. May talandáan nga--. There is a prospect (an indication) that--. May nasulát nga talandáan sang--. A pamphlet has been written about--. (see tándà, timáan, tilimán-an, tilimád-on, pát-in, talámdan).
What is to-, should-, can-, be-touched,-stirred,-moved; tangible, evident. (see tándog).
Erring, astray, gone wrong, mistaken, wandering, rambling, having-missed one's way,-made a false step. (see tálang).
Failure (by missing), error, mistake; to miss one's way, lose oneself, lose one's way, go astray, take a wrong-turning,-road; to err, mistake, make a false step. Nagtálang siá sa dálan. He missed his way. He went astray. Pinatálang siá. He was misdirected. He was led astray. Indì ka na magtálang. Don't make a mistake again. (see salâ, sayúp).
A fool, idiot, cretin, one who is mentally deranged or often wanders in his mind; to be out of one's mind, perplexed, confused, upset, bewildered. Kon may súnug gánì índì na siá makapanghímos, kay nagatalángtaláng. Whenever there is a fire somewhere she is unable to do her work, because she gets so upset. (see talángtálang).
Dim. and Freq. of tálang-to miss one's way, etc. Nagatalángtálang na ang íya panumdúman. His memory is-often at fault now,-no longer reliable,-often failing him. (see talángtaláng).
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