A solid morsel of food. See pátaw, tináo.
Men, persons, people, folk, folks; workmen, servants, hands; dependents, subjects, followers (as of a master or boss, of a chief, of a political leader, etc.). Ang íya mga tináwo may aligótgot nga dáan sa mga tináwo ni Fuláno. His men (followers) have an old grudge against the men (clique, partisans) lead by N.N. Ang mga tináwo ni Fuláno. The men under N.N.'s control. Dîmaísip ang mga tináwo nga nagtalámbong. A vast multitude (An endless number) of people were present. (see táwo, táo).
Human, pertaining to human nature, founded in human nature. Ang pagsayúp tinawohánon. To make mistakes is human. (see tawohánon).
Market, shop, etc. See tiénda.
Market, market-place, etc. See tiénda.
A kick, blow (thrust, violent hit) with the foot or feet; to kick. Tinindakán siá sang kabáyo. He received a kick from the horse. Indì mo siá pagtindakán. Don't kick him. (see sípà).
Upright, etc. See tíndog.
Stand, position; setting, placing; standing upright, erect, straight up; to stand upright, stand erect, to rise or stand up from a sitting posture. Kon amó inâ ang tíndog sang ímo pamangkotánon--. If you put the question in that way--. Tíndog ka. Stand up. Sang pagsulúd ko sa íya hulút tumíndog siá sa pagabíábi sa ákon. When I entered his room he rose to salute me (welcome me). Nalúsdan siá sang látok nga íya tinindogán kag nahúlug siá sa salúg. The table on which he stood toppled over and he fell down on the floor. Patindugá ang halígi. Set up the post. Nasápwan nga ang tinindogán (natindogán) nga káhoy sang amó nga laráwan nagubâ, kay inanáyan. It was found out that the wooden pedestal of that statue was rotten, for it was full of termites. (see paníndog, tindógan, tinindógan, tindógon, bángon-to rise from a lying posture).
To stand bail for, be or give security for, be sponsor. Sín-o ang nagtíndog sa íya? Who gave security for him?
Stand, position, stand-point, principle, point of view, ground one stands upon. (see tíndog, tinindógan).
Food clinging to (wedged in between) the teeth; a trifle, very little. (see palanghiningá).
The last gasp, death agony, death-rattle; to breathe one's last, be in the last (death) agony, be gasping one's last, be at the last gasp, to agonize, heave one's last sigh. Nagatingâ na siá. He is now breathing his last. He is in the throes (pangs) of death. (see tagumatáyon).
To overhear, listen, eavesdrop, try to catch what others say. The form paníngad is more in use. Buút gid siá maníngad (magpaníngad) sang (sa) sugilánon. He wants (wanted) very much to listen to the conversation. (see tingádtingád, paningádtingád, úgo, úga, hángal, hangálhangál).
Dim. and Freq. of tingad[**missing stress]-to eavesdrop, etc. (see hangálhangál).
The dry season, hot season, dry monsoon, the time from about the end of November till May. (see tingúlan-the rainy (wet) season).
To deafen, confuse, bewilder, din into a person's ears, talk one to death, talk one's head off, annoy with noise or shouting. Gintíngal níya akó sang ákig. Gintíngal níya ang ákon mga dalúnggan sang ákig. He deafened me with his angry shouting. My ears tingled with his violent language.
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