To free; to get free, escape, etc. See luás, talímwas, etc.
(H) Clearness, limpidness, serenity; to be or become clear, bright, limpid, transparent, pellucid, pure, fair, serene; to be or become distinct, easy to understand, manifest, evident. Kaína malubúg pa ang túbig sang subâ, karón nagtín-aw na. Some time ago the water in the river was turbid still, now it has become clear. Tinloán mo ang kátyà sing maáyo, agúd magtín-aw. Clean the glass well so that it may be bright (transparent, pellucid). Ginpatín-aw níya ang íya katarúngan. He made his argument clear. Matín-aw nga túbig. Clear (pure, limpid) water. Nagtín-aw na ang lángit nga walâ na sing mga gál-um. The sky is now serene; all the clouds have disappeared. (see sínaw, sinág, áthag, háwan, tínlò).
A dark or blackish dye, dark-hued colouring matter; to soak or steep in such a dye, to tinge or imbue with a dark colour. Ang túbì nga íla ginainúm daw sa walâ sing tínà, kay maputî silá sing pamánit. The water they drink seems to contain no black colouring matter, for they are white of skin. (see tinínà, tágum, lúgum, etc.).
One who has sold his land or part of it. Sín-o ang tinabáan mo? From whom did yo buy the land? Who sold you the land? (see tábà).
Running away with, eloping, kidnapping; to run away with, kidnap, elope with (if practised by many or on a large scale). (see tában).
Cloth, dress-goods, etc. from which a piece has been cut off; a person who has been measured for a suit of clothes, etc. (see tábas).
A prefix used with numbers, making them distributive, e.g. tinagápat-four each, of four each, each containing four units; tinagpúlò-ten each, etc.; tinagwaló-eight each, etc. (see tag-).
Hemp fibre made ready for weaving, knotted and reeled hemp-fibre. Iníng tinágak túman na sa ápat ka báyò. These hemp-fibres made ready for weaving are sufficient for making four dresses. (see tágak).
Joined or fastened close together, near together, compact, in a perfect row or regular line. Ang íya mga ngípon maputî nga súbung sang gátas kag daw ang tinágik. His teeth are as white as milk and perfectly regular. (see tágik).
Hearty, affectionate, generous, heartfelt, earnest. (see tagiposóon).
Hidden, out of sight; to cover, conceal, keep out of sight, hide from observation, prevent the discovery of. Walâ gid siá makasáyod sang mga likúm nga gintinagô sang íya nga umágad. He knew absolutely nothing of the secret doings of his son-in-law, who cleverly prevented the discovery of his misdeeds. (see tinágò).
Hidden, secret, clandestine, concealed, furtive, stealthy, secreted. Sa tinágò (tágò) nga pahítò-secretly, stealthily, unnoticed, on the sly. Ginabuyágyag na ang íya mga tinágò. His secret doings are now being aired in public. (see tágò).
A loud, clear, distinct, resonant, sonorous voice; to speak, sing, warble, carol, twitter, chirp (with a loud, etc. voice). (see tágsing).
Distributed, apportioned, allotted, divided (amongst a number of recipients); to distribute, etc. (see tágtag).
Thud, thump, sound of a blow, or the like; to strike a blow, belabour with the fists, beat, drub. (see tagúbtub).
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