A bird of prey that resembles a goshawk; its name is an onomatope in imitation of its cry.
To stumble, make a false step and reel in consequence without falling altogether, to lose one's balance (by slipping, etc.) and to regain it with some effort; to struggle, make great efforts to escape (as a child struggling to get away from the arms of its nurse, or the like). (see balít-ad, tikháyà, pólok, rímpwal).
See téla. Tíla bordáda. Embroidered cloth.
Spittle mixed with betelnut juice; an amount of betelnut and accessaries sufficient for one chewing; to prepare betelnut with all the ingredients ready for chewing. Tilarí (-adí) akó sing isá ka malám-on. Give me a quid (chew, cud) of betelnut. Dílì nínyo pagilúad dirí ang ínyo mga tilád. Don't spit out here your betelnut juice.
To scoop, dig out, as coconut meat with a tililád, which see.
Wet, moist, watery, said of ground that in the rainy season can be used for drawing water; a spring that flows only during the rainy season.
The swallow, gullet, oesophagus, pharynx. (see laúk).
(H) To try, taste, experience, pass-, go-, through, endure, prove, test. Walâ pa gid akó makatiláw sang páhò. I have never yet tasted a mango. Tilawí siá. Try him, put him to the test. Decide (by an appeal to physical force, or the like) which of you (two) is stronger. Natilawán ko man inâ. I also have tried it (that). I also have experience of it. I have had the same experience. Patilawá siá siní. Let him try (taste) it (this). Kon magliwát siá magbúhat sing súbung ipatiláw mo sa íya ang ímo kamót (patilawón mo siá sang ímo kamót). If he does that again let him feel your hand i.e. punish him, let him smart for it. (see dímdim, dimól, samít, sagámsam, pórba, pruéba, tám-id, sagáwsaw).
See talíbkas-to stray, wander from, separate.
Rice, etc. to be-, suitable or preserved for being-, cooked or boiled. (see tíg-ang).
(H) To spin, turn, revolve, rotate, whirl, whirl round, turn round rapidly, to gyrate swiftly. Nagatílik na ang alíling. The wheel is turning round. Patilíka ang kálò, pínggan, etc. Make the hat, plate, etc. spin. Spin the hat, plate, etc.
(H) A chisel-shaped tool with a bent point, used for scooping the meat from the coconut-shell or the like. (see tilád).
(H) Place where something is tested or tried; trial, ordeal, test; that is to-, should-, can-, deserves to-, be tried, etc. (see tiláw).
(H) Mark, sign, observation, sign-post, indication, index. (see timáan).
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