Dim. of tikód. Also: to kick-, push-, hit-, with the heel; to give the spurs to, prick with the spurs, spur (a horse); stimulate. Tinikódtikorán (tinikódtikóran) níya ang kabáyo. He gave the horse the spurs. He spurred the horse.
A wicker-basket that is usually smaller than a bakág and larger than a tagakán.
Equally related to two or more persons, having a double or multiple relationship with another person. Tíkop ang paghimatâ ko sa íla nga duhá. I am related by blood to both of them.
To surround, enclose, encircle, blockade, beleaguer, shut in (up), invest, hem in. (see líkup).
A serious skin disease, kind of eczema or herpes; also: elephantiasis, leprosy.
Ring, circumference, etc. See líkus. Taknáan nga tikós-a wrist watch.
A dish of rice similar to púto, a rice-dish sweetened with sugar; a kind of Chinese cake.
A spy, detective, secret service man, sly observer, pryer, prier, one who stealthily watches the doings of others; to spy, observe, investigate. Dakû nga tíktik iníng táo. This man is a very sly observer. Andam ka sa íya, kay tíktik siá. Beware of him, for he is a spy. (see lampitáw).
The tick of a clock or watch; to tick.
See tikód-heel.
(B) Border, rim, edge (of a basket, wickerwork, etc.); to border wickerwork, make a rim by doubling over the weavers and fastening them on the other side. Tíkli ang tabungós. Furnish the tabungós basket with a rim. Finish the tabungós basket off with a rim. (see abúd, etc.).
See tíkos, tikós.
To move to and fro, pass over quickly, lick, suck at (as when passing the tongue over the teeth in order to loosen adhering or imbedded particles of food). Tikwalí ang tingá sang dílà mo, agúd maggwâ sa ngípon. Suck at the particles of food, that they may come away from the teeth. (tíkal id.).
Turned upwards and (or) sideways; one with a stiff (rigid) neck turned sideways.
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