(B) Dignified, solemn, stately, strutting; to strut, walk about in a stately manner, prance, flaunt, have a proud air or gait. The form patimôtímò is mostly used. Kon madálig gánì ang ulús na, dáyon na gid patimôtímò. (Kon matahúm gánì ang íya panápton dáyon gid níya paugdángúgdang (patolotískug sang íya líog). Whenever she has on a nice dress, she walks about with a dignified air. (see kiáykíay, liád, biád-*ad, biádbíad).
Dim. and Freq. of timó, timô-to live frugally, eat, etc. (see hungíthungít).
A mouthful, morsel, bit of bread or food, livelihood, means of living; place where to get a living. Walâ gid siá sing timótimohán sa íya baláy. She has not a morsel of food in her house. She has nothing to eat at home. (see hungíthungít, pagkáon, pangabuhián).
Dim. and Freq. of tímod. (see kinîkínì, kinótkínot).
Movement, commotion, stir, sign of life; to move, stir. The form timóktimók is more in use.
Dim. and Freq. of tímok. Walâ gid sing timóktimók sa íla baláy. There is no stir in their house. (see lihóklihók, litóklitók).
Invective, insult, taunt, defamation, obloquy, diatribe, insulting or abusive language (word, expression), affront, mockery; to abuse in words, vituperate, scold, rail at, rate, revile, vilify, use insulting (invective) expressions, taunt, call names, inveigh against. Indì mo siá pagtimolangón. Don't insult him (verbally). Don't call him names. Anó ang gintimoláng níya sa ímo? What invectives did he hurl (throw, fling) at you? Ang pagtimoláng amó ang dalángpan sang mga matálaw kag sang walâ sing katarúngan. Invectives are the refuge of cowards and of those that cannot show (furnish, produce) evidence (of what they claim). (see buyáyaw, pamuyáyaw, libák, múlay, híkay, pamúlag, pamúyas).
(Sp. timón) Helm, rudder, tiller, steering, steering wheel.
(Sp. timonél, timonero) Helmsman, steersman; director, boss, master, manager, guide. (see manugdumála, pangólo).
Land-slide, land-slip, falling-in, falling-down; to cave in (of a hole or mine); to fall-, slide-, glide-, burst-, dash-, crash-, down (of a hill-side, of earth and stones from a river-bank, etc.); to cause to fall down, undermine and wash away, break down. Natímpa (Nagkatímpa) ang pángpang. The river-bank caved in (broke down). Ang bahâ nagtímpa sang pángpang. The flood undermined and broke down the river-bank. Natimpahán akó sang ákon umá dalá ang napúlò ka púnò nga lubí. There occurred a landslide on my farm that carried away also ten coconut palms. Walâ mo pagpúndi ang subâ, kóndì nagasáli sang tímpa ang ímo dútà kon may bahâ. You have not embanked (did not embank) the river and consequently (unless you build a dam or dike) part of your land is-being washed away,-crumbling away, with every flood. (see tíbhag, hunâ, hubág, dálhay).
A kind of wick for an oil-lamp.
See tímwas.
The north-east wind.
To form-, shape-, fashion-, into a ball within one's hand; to make, produce, create. (see omólómol).
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