Materials got ready or required for the making of a rice-cake called "alopí".
A kind of worm or caterpillar that is very injurious to plants.
(H) Very short-haired, shaved or with the hair cut extremely short; to cut the hair very short, to shave. Alotí akó sang ákon bohók. Cut my hair very short. Mangalót akó sang ákon búngot. I am going to shave off my beard. Mapaalót akó ánay sa manuggúnting. I am going to have my hair cut very short by the barber. Ipaalót mo ang ímo búngot sa barbéro. Get your beard shaved off by the barber. (see bulúg).
A pretended sickness; to feign sickness, pretend to be ill, to malinger, simulate some illness. Aloy lang ináng íya balatían. That sickness of his is a mere imposture or sham. Indì ka magáloy. Don't pretend to be sick. Gináloy lang níya ináng balatían. He merely simulated that disease. Iáloy mo lang nga masakít ang úlo mo. Simply pretend to have a headache.
A young or small turíngan, tulíngan-fish.
Pretending to be ill, simulating a disease. Aloyán nga táo. One who pretends to be ill.
(Sp. alfajor, alaju) A kind of crisp bread or biscuit, often mixed with almonds, honey, sugar, etc.
(Sp. alpaca) Alpaca, the animal as well as the thin, light fabrics made from its soft, silky wool.
For alópan from álop-to stop, plug, etc.
(Sp. alpargata) Sandals or shoes made of cloth and having thick hempen soles.
(Sp. alza, alzar) A rise in price; the raising of merchandise, money, etc. on credit; to raise, lift, hoist; to get on credit. Ang tanán nga mga balalígyà sa almasín siníng komersyánte álsa gid lámang sa Ilóng-ílong or ginálsa gid lámang níya sa Ilóng-ílong. All the goods on sale in the store of this merchant are (were) obtained by him on credit from Iloilo. Alsahá pa gid ang káhoy sing diótay. Raise the wood yet a little. Alsahí iníng lugár sang mga bató. Remove the stones from this place. Alsahá ang tíngug mo. Raise your voice to a higher pitch. Iálsa akó ánay siníng láta nga túbig. Please lift this can of water for me. Alsahán mo gid ánay ang baráha kag ugáling ipanhátag (ipanghátag). First cut the cards and then deal them out. (For an increase in wages and the like "pasákà" is to be used. Napasakáan ang íya sóhol. His wages have been raised).
(Sp. alzaprima) A lever for raising loads.
(Sp. alto) Stop! Halt! A military term.
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