A young mud-eel, a small haroán.
(B) To use recklessly, handle without regard or consideration, treat roughly. Gindádol gid lang níya ang bág-o nga mga sapátos sa mga kabatohán. He wears his new boots quite recklessly in places where there are rocks. Indì ka magdádol sang diótay mo nga bátà sa mabúdlay nga dálan. Don't take your small child along over difficult roads. Indì mo pagdadólon kón diín ka makádto ang bátà nga may hilánat, kóndì ibílin mo siá sa baláy. Don't take with you wherever you go the child with the cold, but leave it at home. Gindádol níya sa lúnang ang matahúm níya nga sinélas. He dragged his beautiful slippers (regardlessly) through the mud. (see gánoy, gúyud).
(B) Dim. and Freq. of dádol. Ginadadóldádol níya ang káro nga íya ginhulám. He is using roughly the cart he borrowed.
Peace, friendliness, amity, concord, harmony, amicableness, good social relations; to be at peace with, have good social relations, be on good terms with, etc. Kon magdaétay kamó masádya kamó. If you live together in peace you will be happy. Walâ sing dáet sa siní nga baláy, daláyon gid lang silá nagasulúay. There is no peace in this family, they are always quarrelling. Daéti si Fuláno. Be friendly towards N.N. Make peace with N.N. Dî mo pagdaétan ang mga maláut sing pamatásan. Don't enter into friendly relations with men of bad habits. (see hidáit).
See padág-ay-to indulge, humour, let one have-his will,-his own way.
To let fall, drop, tumble or plump down. Indì mo pagdagdagón ang pínggan. Don't drop the plate. Nadágdag ang martílyo sa lamésa. The hammer fell off the table. Dagdagí ang idô sing bató. Drop a stone on the dog. Idágdag sa ákon ang bóla. Throw me down the ball. Dagdagá siá sa listáhan. Drop him from the list. (see húlug, táktak).
For daugón from daúg.
Seasonable, seasonal, ripening,-happening-, being done-, in due time or season. Humáy nga dag-únan. Rice ripening in its proper season. (see dág-on).
A sacrifice to idols; human sacrifice; the killing and eating of pigs, chickens, etc. by the superstitious; to sacrifice to idols or in superstitious practices. Dákpa ang kánding, kay idágà sa minahán (dulangán). Catch the goat, for we will sacrifice it for the success of the mine. Ang íla pándut gindagáan níla sing duhá ka báboy. They sacrificed two pigs at their feast. (see hálad).
Clay, clayey soil.
Wet, etc. See dagâ-dágà id.
Scarlet, bright red, glaring red, visible from a great distance; to be scarlet, be of a bright red colour, be conspicuous, be visible from afar. (see dagángdang).
To clatter, rattle, rumble, as a cart over stones or the like. Ang káro nagadagáldal sa kabatohán. The cart is clattering over the stony ground. Indì mo pagpadagaldalón ang káro, kóndì ilikáw mo siá sa mga bató. Don't make the cart rattle so much, but keep it off the stones. Dílì mo ipaági ang káro sa mga bató, agúd índì magdagáldal. Don't drive the cart over stones, lest it should rattle. (see kadálkadál, rungkádul, tumbôtúmbò, dagóldagól, dagóldol).
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