Straight on, in an even or continuous line; to do something in straight or regular lines, (when rubbing, massaging, etc.); to rush, roar, murmur in a continuous flow (of water), (see daláyday).
See dagáyà, dagásà, bugánà-plentiful, etc.
To work-, help in work-without wages,-for nothing,-without pay,-voluntarily,-gratuitously. Nagadágiaw silá sa pagpatíndog sang ermíta. They are working without wages at putting up the chapel. Gindagiawán níla ang baláy sang kalasálon. They worked without pay at building the house for the marriage couple. Dagiawí akó sing duhá ka ádlaw sa pagóbra sa simbáhan. Help me by working at the church two days without pay.
To improve, pull through, come round, get well, get better, heal, said of a wound or a disease. Nagdagíng ang íya pilás, balatían, etc. His wound got better, his sickness left him, he got over his sickness.
Dim. and Freq. of dagíng.
Gentle, tender, soft, warm (of wind or the like). Hángin nga dagínit. A gentle breeze. Also: A sharp, harsh, grating sound; to crack, creak. (see ragínit).
(H) See daginót. Madámù kuntánì ang ámon mga páhò, ápang nadaginótan námon sang káon. We should have many mangoes, but we have been dipping into them.
To pounce-, swoop down-, upon, to clutch or grab (after the manner of a bird of prey). Ang ámon pisô gindágit sang salagiáwan. Our chicken was pounced upon by the hawk. Nadagítan kamí sang salagiáwan sing duhá ka manók. The hawk seized two of our chickens. (see tukúb).
A vegetable plant.
Emphasis, stress, accent; to emphasize, accentuate, stress, put an accent on. Ang katapúsan nga bokál nga nadagmitán. The last accentuated vowel. Dagmití ang "a". Put the accent on the "a".
To acquire a habit or custom of, be used to, be quick at, be an old hand at, be good at, to be addicted to, fall into the way of. Indì ka magdágmit sa paghámbal-or-índì mo pagdagmitón ang paghámbal sing mga púlong nga maláw-ay. Don't get into the habit of using bad language. Magdágmit ka sa pagtrabáho sing mapísan kag mabinalákon. Accustom yourself to work diligently and carefully. (see hánas, ánad, ábtik, buyó).
Wet or rainy season, time free from drought; to have no lack of rain. (see tingulán).
To scour, rub, scrub. Dagnasí ang salóg. Scrub the floor. Idagnás akó siníng salúg. Kindly scrub this floor for me. Dinagnasán na níla sing maáyo ang salúg sang balatonán. They have scrubbed well the floor of the reception room. (see lampáso).
Desultory, careless, negligent; to perform carelessly, etc. Gindagóldagól mo lang ang pagplántsa sang ákon báyò. You ironed my jacket very carelessly. (see dakúldakúl).
To rattle, clatter. See dagáldal, kadálkadál.
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