To shorten, cut short, cut back. Galungá ang bohók nga náyon sa ágtang siníng bátà, kay nagatábon sang íya mga matá. Cut back the hair on the forehead of this child, for it covers its eyes.
(Sp. galleta) Hardtack, ship-biscuit; a small vessel or pan.
To cut, scratch, graze, slit-, slash-, gash-, slightly, lacerate with a splinter, a sharp piece of bamboo, etc. (see gábà).
To fell, cut down, particularly applied to bamboo. Gamáa ang kawáyan. Cut down the bamboo. Gamái akó sing napúlò ka nahót nga kawáyan. Cut down ten pieces of bamboo for me. Igámà iníng binángon sa kawáyan. Cut the bamboo down with this bolo. Igámà akó siníng ápat ka nahót nga kawáyan. Kindly cut down for me these four pieces of bamboo. (see pulúd, púkan).
Liking, pleasure, inclination, attraction; intention, care, thought, mind, will, intent, resolve. Walâ siá sing gáman nga maglakát dídto. He has no intention of going there. He does not care to go there. May gáman siá sa pagbakál sang ákon báka. He wants-, wishes-, would like-, to buy my cow. (see túyò, katuyoán, bagô, bagól, túhoy, gána, táman).
To become or make small, thin, slender, fine, delicate, little, tiny, slim, to thin, pare down, whittle. Naggamáy ang pérno sa lakás nga tóktok. The bolt became quite slender through excessive rust. Gamayá ang biníklan. Thin down the piece of split bamboo. Ipagamáy ko sa ímo iníng mabahúl nga bastón. I'll hand over to you this big stick and you will make it slender. Ang kalát nabúgras sa nagamayán. The rope snapped where it was thin. (gágmay).
Mighty, powerful, potent, puissant, ruling, commanding, holding sway, reigning, governing. (see gahúm).
Weed; any useless, injurious or obnoxious plant.
To employ, use, make use of, resort to, apply, avail oneself of, utilize. Gamíta lang ang ákon lagárì. Use my saw. Gamíti ang ídò sing látigo, agúd magpalágyo. Use the whip on the dog so that it may run away. Gamíta ang páyong, kay nagaulán. Use the umbrella, for it is raining. Gamítan mo siá sing bastón, kon magsutíl. Give him the stick, if he gets naughty. Gingámit níya ang ákon arádo sa íya nga umá. He used my plough for his field. Ipagámit mo sa ákon ang ímo karabáw sa pagarádo sa buás. Permit me to make use of your buffalo to-morrow for ploughing. Gingámit níya ang íya palangakóan sa pagmánggad. He availed himself of his official position to enrich himself. Gamíta ang tiémpo sing mabúot. Employ your time wisely.
See under gamól.
To perform in person, tackle (it) oneself, etc. See gálhò id. Gamloón-galhoón.
See gamú.
To grasp, grip, clasp, span, encircle with the hand; to cope with, be able, competent, capable of. Gámla (gamolá) ang bútkon ko, kon makagamól ka sinâ. Encircle my arm with your fingers, if you can. Span my arm, if you can. Indì níya magamól inâ. He is not capable of doing that. (see gakám, etc.).
Disappointment, balk, check, defeat or failure of-expectation,-hope,-wish,-desire,-intention; to disappoint, balk, baffle, dash one's hopes, fail one, frustrate one's expectations, leave in the lurch, defeat of expectation, etc. Nagamón siá, kay buót siá kuntánì magsakáy pa Manílà, ápang walâ siá makahalín dirí, kay nagmasakít si nánay níya. He suffered a disappointment, for he would have liked to embark for Manila, but could not get away from here, because his mother fell ill. Dî mo akó pagpagámnon (pagpagamonón). Don't leave me in the lurch, don't fail or disappoint me. Sín-o ang nagpagamón sa ímo? Who was the cause of your disappointment? Ginpagamón akó ni Fuláno. N.N. brought my hopes or expectations to nothing.
Root; to take root, become rooted, put forth roots. Naggamót na ang gútuk sang tabákò. The tobacco-seedling has taken root. Ipagamót mo sa tagiposó-on níya ang maáyo nga batásan. Make good habits take root in his heart.
See under gamús-to salt, pickle.
Disturbance, row, riot, trouble, disorder, tumult, fracas, affray, melee, uproar, squabble, brawl, commotion; to cause a disturbance, etc., throw into confusion, take away peace or tranquillity. May gamú silá sa íla baláy. There is some disorder or commotion in their home. Indì kamó maggamú or magginamú dirí sa ámon. Don't disturb us here. Don't interrupt our peace or tranquillity. Ginámwan níya ang bánwa. He caused a commotion in town. Iníng duhá ka táo may dakû nga gamú. These two men are at loggerheads, are having a serious fight or quarrel between themselves. Pagámwa (pagamuhá) lang silá, kay walâ man sing pulús kon ímo silá husáyon, kay índì silá mamátì. Just let them fight it out, for it is of no use to try to mediate, as they won't listen to you. Anó ang nanginkabangdánan siníng gamú? What is the origin or cause of this riot? (see garók, gáhud, galúng, gúbat).
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