Cloudy, lowery, lowering, gloomy, overcast; pertaining to clouds.
(Sp. gala) Gala, full dress, dress worn on solemn occasions; premium, present, reward, pay; to reward, give a present or tip, offer a premium or payment. Iníng mga bátà nagapagála sa pagkánta kag pagsáut. These children sing and dance for presents. Kon ámon kamó saútan, pilá ang igála nínyo sa ámon? If we dance for you, how much will you give us? Gingaláhan níya silá sing tagpisítas. He made them a present of twenty centavos each. (see hátag, regálo, túgrò, taó, báyad, sóhol).
Dim. and Freq. of gála. Also: To dress or line with mortar, decorate, beautify. Galagaláhi ang tabríya sing seménto. Line the slabs with cement.
(H) To cut with a sickle, reap. Galába ang hilamón. Cut the grass with a sickle. Dílì mo pagigálab ang kotsílyo sa hilamón. Don't use the knife as a sickle in cutting down the weeds. Galábi ang humáy, kay lakás katáas. Cut off the tops of the rice with a sickle, for it is too high. Galábi ang kabáyo sing sakáti. Reap some zacate-fodder for the horse. Igálab mo akó ánay siníng mga gámhon. Please cut down these weeds with the sickle. Ipagálab lang sa íya iníng hilamón nga ipakáon níya sa báka. Let him cut this grass with the sickle to feed his cow.
(H) Life-buoy, etc. See gabayán.
(H) Feather, brush or other instrument used to remove a foreign body from the eye, anything used to perform the action of gáhid. (see gómi).
(H) Grist, that is to be milled or ground. May galalíngon pa ikáw nga tubó? Have you any more sugar to be milled? Maís nga galalíngon. Corn to be ground. (see galíng).
(H) Equipment, utensils, furniture, outfit, gear, implements, tackle, appliances, tools, apparatus. (see gámit, kasangkápan).
(Sp. galan) Gallant, courtier, ladies' man; spruce, natty, dressy, well dressed, neat and trim; to be gallant, smart, dapper; to be bright, conspicuous, visible from afar. Galán siá. He is a gallant. He is spick and span, neat and trim, etc. Nagagalán ang íya bíste. Her dress is very conspicuous, bright, glaring, visible from a far distance. (see kánang, dáang, dagángdang, hípig, elegánte).
A kind of rice-cake. (see kúmbò).
(H) Expenses, things to be paid for, things requiring outlay or expenditure. (see gásto, baláyran, kahinguyángan).
(H) Expenditure, wherewithal, money or other assets in hand. (see hilinguyángon).
A spiked entrance. See gáraw.
(H) Observation post, lookout, window or any other position from which one can see who is below or passing by. (see gáwa).
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