Rotten, decayed, decomposed; to rot, become rotten, etc. Nagabúk na iníng soléras. This crossbeam has become rotten. Gabúk na ang káhoy sa atóp sang ímo baláy. The wood in the roof of your house is rotten. Anó, ginapagabúk mo lang iníng káhoy dirí?-Húo, pagabukón ko na lang, kay walâ na man sing pulús. What! Are you letting this timber rot here?-Yes, I am just letting it rot, for it is no longer of any use. Nagabukán ang pamúsud sang baláy. The corner of the house is decaying. (see dúnut, dunút).
To keep-snug,-close,-dark, conceal, cover, keep out of-view,-sight, hush up. Maggabún ka siní. Keep it secret. Ginagabunán níya ang kahulúy-an sang íya nga ábyan. He covers with silence his friend's disgrace. Gabuní siá sang íya nga ginhímò. Hush up what he has done. Igabún mo akó sang ákon pagpílas sang íya nga karabáw. Please say nothing about my having wounded his buffalo. (see tábon, tágò, hingabón, hinabón).
To pull-, weed-, root-, pluck-, grub-, up, draw out, extract, eradicate. Gabúta ang mga gámhon. Pull up the weeds. Igábut akó ánay siníng hilamón. Please pluck up this grass for me. Lungálungáa ánay iníng lánsang nga maáwot kag ugáling gabúton mo. Shake this firm nail first to and fro and then draw it out. Nagabútan ang nakawáan sang mga eskwéla sang tanán nga baríri. The school-children weeded out from the Public square all bariri-grass. Gabúti akó sing gútuk sang kamátis, talóng, etc. Pull up by the roots for me some tomato-, egglant-seedlings, etc. (see lúkat, húlbot).
To bait, badger, nag at, make a butt or laughing-stock of, pillory, hold up to ridicule or contempt, criticize malevolently, expose one to the contempt of bystanders so as to make him angry or in order to pick an open quarrel with him. Gingádgad níya ang kakulángan ni Fuláno túbtub nga nangákig siá. He spoke of N.N.'s shortcomings till he got angry. Indì mo paggadgarón (-adón) ang salâ sang ímo isigkatáo. Don't always harp upon your neighbour's fault. Indì ka maggádgad sang kasaypánan ni Hosé kay awát man lámang, kay siá íya mapainubúson kag índì magbátok ukón magákig. Don't constantly bring up Jose's failings against him, because it is of no use, for he on his part is humble and will not make opposition or get angry about it. (see gálgal).
A scratch, etc. See gádras.
Incompetent, useless, worthless, inept, inefficient, unfit, below the standard. Gadóy nga abogádo, manunúdlò, mangungúma, etc. A lawyer of low attainments, an incompetent teacher, an indifferent farmer, etc. Also verb. Naggadóy na siá nga pangúlo-bánwa. He has become unfit to be Municipal President. Nagadoyán akó sa íya. To me he appears to be a worthless fellow. (see háslò, kabús, kulabús, walâ, sing, águd, waláy, pulús, mínus).
A scratch, abrasion, bruise; a cut, gash, laceration, ragged wound; to scratch, wound, hurt, injure, cut, gash. Si Fuláno sing íya bisán gádras, walâ. N.N. was not hurt at all, had not even a scratch. Nagádras sing malábà ang íya páa. His leg was-badly hurt,-gashed,-severely cut. (see kádlas, gádlas, báklis, pákris, pák-ad, pílas).
Elephant; monster, huge beast (in general).
Insistence, persistency, importunacy, pertinacity. (see pagâgâ-to insist, importune).
See under "gágo".
To be small, etc. See gamáy.
Gain, profit, return, proceeds; to gain, profit, make (money) on. Pilá ang gáhab mo sa báboy nga ginbalígyà mo? How much did you gain on the pig you sold? Gingahában ko ang ísdà sing tátlo ka písos. I made three pesos on the fish. Kon báklon mo iní dirí kag ibalígyà mo dídto, saráng ka makagáhab sing limá ka písos. If you buy this here and sell it there, you can make a profit of five pesos. Walâ sing gáhab sa amó nga balígyà. There is no gain in such merchandise. It does not pay to handle such merchandise. (see ganánsya, láhab, gáhi, sáplid, kasaplidánan).
To clean one's eyes, take out or remove-dust,-a grain of sand,-a mote, etc. from the eye, from a wound or the like by means of a soft, bent material suitable for the operation. Igáhid mo iníng pungángo sang dáhon sang kásla sa ímo matá, agúd makúhà ang púling. Use this leaf-stalk of the casla-plant to clean your eye with, so that the mote may be taken away. Gahíra (-ída) ang ákon matá nga napunô (nabútà) sing yáb-ok. Remove the dust from my eye, for it is full of it. (see kolíkog, káwhi, kúhit).
(B) The best, or least objectionable, amongst a number of bad, spoilt or worthless objects.
To clear a road through dense undergrowth, cut or hack one's way through, open a passage through a jungle. Gahíti akó sing dálan. Clear a road for me. Sín-o ang naggáhit sing alágyan dirí? Who was it that cleared a passage here? Igáhit ang binángon siníng masíot nga lugár. Use the bolo to cut a way through this jungle. Dakû ang íya pagbatás kag madámù nga kabudláyan ang íya nga ginágyan sa paggáhit sing dálan siníng bág-o nga palatikángan. He had to suffer much and go through much fatigue in opening the way for this new enterprise.
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