List of Hiligaynon words starting with the letter H - Page 25



From hapâ-to prostrate oneself.



Brittle, crumbly, fragile, friable; to be or become brittle, etc. Ang humáy nga mabasâ kon tumpihón magaháp-og. Wet rice, if collected into a heap (stack), will get brittle. Sang túig nga tinalíkdan háp-og gid ang ímo humáy; índì mo pagpahap-ogón sa karón nga túig. Last year your rice was very brittle; don't let it become brittle this year. (see tapók, matapúk).



To prostrate oneself, fall or lie down-flat,-prone,-face downward,-on one's stomach; to prostrate, lay low, fell. Nagahapâ siá. He is lying down flat, prone or prostrate. Pahapaá (paháp-a) siá. Lay him down face downward. Hapaí (háp-i) ang bángkò. Lie down prostrate on the bench. Hináp-an níya siá. He prostrated himself (humbled himself) before him. (see yaúb, dágpà, dúsmò, háplak, hágmak, sukámod).

Dim. and Freq. of hapâ. Also: to be very submissive, humble oneself, solicit help with great deference or the like.



Superficial, on the surface; passing, insincere; to skim, take off the surface. Hapawá ang kán-on sa kólon. Take out of the kettle the top layer of rice. Hapawón mo ang hígkò sa túbig; or: hapawán mo ang túbig sang hígkò. Take the scum off the surface of the water. Ihapáw ang kutsára sa gátas sa pagkúhà sang latáb. Dip the spoon a litte into the milk to take off the cream. Hapáw gid lang ang ímo pagdáro; padútla gid ang arádo. You are ploughing only the surface; press the plough down deep. Hapáw man lang ang íya kaálam. His learning is merely superficial (not deep or thorough). (see salimpapáw, pakuláhaw).



Dim. and Freq. of hapáw.



Bent low, inclined, flattened to the ground. (see hápay).



To bend low, incline, bow down, flatten. Ang humáy ginahápay sang hángin. The rice is being bent by the wind. Hapáya ang tígbaw, agúd maghapús ang áton paglígad. Bend down the tígbaw-reeds, that we may pass easily. Nahapáyan ang ákon talámnan sang humáy sa mamádlus nga hángin. The rice on my field is beaten down on account of the strong wind. Pahapáya ang bohók mo. Flatten down your hair. (see hiláy).



Dim. and Freq. of hápay. Nagahapáy-hápay ang hángin sang maís. The wind-is swaying the corn,-is making the corn bow down.



A sensation of great pain, a smart, an acute, sharp or biting pain; to smart, cause a sharp or acute pain (by the stroke of a whip, etc.). Nagahápdì iníng pilás ko. This wound of mine is smarting. Ginahapdián siá sang kagát sang idô. He is in great pain from the dog's bite. Indì mo pagpahapdión ang íya pilás kon tambalán mo. Avoid causing his wound to smart, when you apply remedies. Kon haplikán ka sang látigo magahápdì ang lábhag. When you receive a flick of a whip the weal smarts. (see sakít).



To chafe, fret, hurt, make or be sore (of hands, eyes, etc.). Naghápdus ang ákon tiíl sa lakás nga paglakát. My feet are sore on account of so much walking. Nahapdusán ang ákon tiíl, kay gutúk ang sapátos ko. My feet have become sore, because my boots are tight. Ang pagbayó nagpahápdus sang íya kamót. Pounding rice chafed his hands. Pinahápdus sang púling ang ákon matá. The mote made my eye sore. (see hápdì).



Lean, thin, gaunt, slender, spare, emaciated. (see lapíl-lápil, níwang, nipís).



Wrapping, covering, cover; to wrap, cover, envelop. Hapiní sing papél ang gisî sang ímo pányo, kay súdlan ko sing asín. Cover the torn part of your handkerchief with paper, for I am going to fill it with salt. Ihapín iníng papél sa ímo tulún-an. Wrap your book up in this paper. Make a cover or jacket for your book with this paper. Ginhapinán níla sing maáyo ang mga médyas nga íla pinadalá sa ákon sa koríyo. They wrapped the socks up well which they sent me by mail. Ihapín akó ánay siníng mga panápton. Please wrap up these clothes for me. (see baláhos, baráhos).



To drop in, visit, call upon; to strike, graze, touch. Hápit ka ánay dirí sa ámon? Won't you come up for a moment? Ginhapítan nínyo si Párì Lukás dídto sa Ilóngílong?-Walâ kamí makahápit sa íya, kay nagdalî kamí sa pagpaúlì. Did you call on Father Lucas in Iloilo?-No, we could not call on him, for we were in a hurry to get home. Ang íya baláy hinápit sang líntì kag nasúnug. His house was struck by lightning and burnt to the ground. Ang isá ka trák humápit sang íya nga síko nga natángday sa talámbwan sa túman kabáskug nga túbtub ang mga túl-an sang íya abága nagkalutá gid. A passing truck grazed his elbow, which was resting on the window, with such force that his shoulder was dislocated. (see sákà, dúaw, salapáy).



To fall or drop flat on the ground, lie on one's stomach, lie prone. Nagháplak ang tagûtò sa salúg sang pagkahúlug níya halín sa kisamí. The lizard dropped flat on the floor when it fell from the ceiling. Sang nagakatulúg akó nahaplakán akó sing tokô. When I was asleep a gecko dropped flat on me. Ang bátà nagaháplak sa salúg. The baby is lying on its stomach on the floor. Pahaplaká lang ang bátà sa salúg. Just lay the baby flat on the floor. (see hapâ, dúsmò, etc.).



To dab, smear, put on, overspread with something unctuous or adhesive, salve, rub in an ointment or the like. Haplasí siá sing lánggaw. Rub him with vinegar. Iháplas sa íya iníng lána. Rub this coconut-oil on him. May inogháplas kamó sa síkmat? Have you any ointment for back-ache? (Metaphorically: Hinaplasán níya siá sing mga hámbal nga matám-is. He "rubbed him down" with soft words. He "softsoaped" him). (see pálhit, hapúlas, apóhap, unís, odót, etc.).



To lean upon, rest against, repose upon (the lap or breast of a mother, etc.). (see dáplay).



A kind of Filipino folk-dance.



To give a smart blow with anything supple, flick or flip a whip or the like; a flick, cut, stroke (of a rod, whip, etc.). Iháplik ang ímo látigo sa likód sang kabáyo. Give the horse a flick of your whip on the back. Ngáa man nga nagháplik ka sa íya sang ímo kamágo?-Tungúd kay nahaplikán man akó níya sing lúnang. Why did you hit him with the string of your top?-Because he threw mud at me. (see háplit, táplik).



See háplik.

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