Shoot, stolon, layer; a plant developed from the seed in a seedling-pot to be transferred later on, together with the seedling-pot, to some suitable ground; to rear or grow plants in that manner. Húnul ka sing páhò. Grow a seedling from the mango (in a seedling pot). Itanúm ang húnul. Plant the seedling, pot and all. Hunúli ang páhò. Layer the mango-tree (by bending down one of its branches to the ground and covering it partly with earth. Roots will develop in due time and the layer is then detached from the parent tree).
To stop-, cease-, growing, be retarded or impeded in one's growth. Naghunúl ang pagdakû siníng bátà kútub sang nagbalatián siá. This boy has not grown from the time he became sick. Nagahunúl ang pagtúbò sang talóng kay nainítan sing lakás. The eggplants stopped growing, for they were exposed to too much sunshine. (see kunól, kutóng).
Dim. and Freq. of húnul. Also: to rear, bring up, nurture.
Gust, blast, gale, squall, capful of wind, strong wind, stiff breeze; to blow hard. (see unús).
To draw out, pull out, extract, drag or tear off from between or underneath. Húnsa (hunúsa) ang kawáyan. Pull out the bamboo, draw or drag it off. Húnsi akó sang hunúshúnus sang aparadór. Pull out open the drawer in the cupboard for me. Ihúnus akó ánay siníng káhoy sa idálum sang kawáyan. Please pull out this piece of wood from underneath the bamboo. (see hosô).
Dim. and Freq. of húnus-to pull out, etc. Also: A drawer. (see honóshónos).
June. See húnio.
Trouble, trial, hardship, hard lines; to be or become difficult, hard (of life, conditions, etc.); pahuól-to molest, trouble, vex, bother, pester, annoy, distress, cause misery or hardship. Indì mo akó pagpahúl-an. Don't annoy me. Don't make any difficulties for me. Nagapahuól siá sa ákon. Ginapahuolán (ginapahúl-an) níya akó. He is giving me trouble. He is putting difficulties in my way. Nahúl-an akó karón, kay napátyan akó sang ákon ilóy. I am in sore distress at present, because mother has died. (see hiól, lisúd).
Nightmare; to cause a nightmare. Ginahúpà siá. He suffers from nightmares. Ginhúpà siá kagáb-i. Last night he had a nightmare. (see hulupáon).
Nightmare. See húpà. N.B. The difference between húpà and húpay seems to be, that the former is usually combined with violent movements, shouts or unintelligible mumblings, whilst the latter is free from such symptoms. One affected with "húpay" lies stiff and motionless.
To join well, weave close, etc. (See hunápit). Hupíta ang pagrára sang amákan. Weave the bamboo-mat close.
Passive form of hupút.
Scented, perfumed, soaked, saturated, pervaded, impregnated, (with some odour, scent, etc.). (see humúg).
Scarcely able to breathe or think, upset, dizzy, confused; to be or become dizzy, confused, etc. Hupúng ang íya ginháwa. He is quite upset (scarcely able to breathe or think). Nagahupúng ang ákon úlo. I am confused-or-unable to think or collect my thoughts. Naghupúng ang íya ginháwa sang pagsákà níya sa matáas nga lubí. He became quite dizzy, when he climbed the tall coconut-palm.
Animals owned or taken care of. Madámù ang íya báka, báboy, kánding kag manók nga hupút. He owns (takes care of) many cows, pigs, goats and chickens.
One kept or guarded by another (as a foster-child, a ward, a concubine, a servant, etc.).
Steeped, soaked, dyed in, imbued, imbrued, saturated, etc. See hugúm, etc.
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