Shame, shyness, bashfulness, confusion, abashment; to be ashamed, feel reproach, etc. May huyâ siá or nagakahuyâ siá. He is ashamed. Ginahúy-an (ginahuyaán) akó níya. He is ashamed of me-or-feels shy in my presence. Ginapakahúy-an akó níya. He puts me to shame-or-makes me ashamed. Táo siá nga waláy huyâ. He is a man without shame or self-respect. Dílì dápat igkahuyâ ang kaimolón. One should not be ashamed of poverty.
A kind of mimosa, the sensitive plant. Its leaves are very sensitive to touch; hence the name huyâ-huyâ-bashful. It is used as a remedy against dysentery.
Dim. and Freq. of huyâ-shame, etc.
To scamper off, run pell-mell, disperse quickly, hurry off, to spread rapidly (of an eruptive disease). Ang mga bátà, kánding, etc. nagahúyab. The children, the goats, etc. are scampering off. Pahuyába ang mga karnéro gíkan sa áton pamulákan. Drive the sheep quickly out of our garden. Kápti ang bastón nga saráng mo ikapahúyab sa mga bátà nga nagagáhud sa atubángan sang áton baláy. Take the stick and with it you can quickly disperse the boys who are making such a noise in front of our house. Naghúyab ang íya katúl. His catul spread rapidly. Pahuyába ang áwto. Drive the automobile at a high speed. (see huyánap, dalágan).
Dim. and Freq. of húyab-to hurry or scamper off, etc.
Low, not steep, only slightly inclined, sloping gently (particularly of roofs).
To tumble or fall down, crash to the ground, be brought low. Ang íya baláy hinuyágpà sang pagdulús sang hángin. His house crashed to the ground through the force of the wind.
Weak, feeble, unsteady, shaky; to be or become weak, etc. Naghúyang iníng baláy. This house has grown shaky, is tottering.
(B) To slap, smack, strike with the palm of the hand. Huyapí siá. Smack him. Naghuyáp siá sa ákon-or-hinuyapán níya akó. He slapped me. Ihuyáp sa íya ang ímo sinélas. Slap him with your slipper. Ginhanâ níya akó nga huyapán. He lifted his hand and threatened to slap me. (see támpà).
See huyágpà-slightly inclined, sloping, etc.
To loiter, loaf, roam about idly, stroll. Nagahúyaw gid lang siá. He roams about doing nothing. (see landólándo, lagáwlágaw, etc.).
Dim. and Freq. of huyáw. Indì ka maghuyáwhúyaw. Don't loiter-or-don't be a loafer. (see tiógtióg).
Bad, poor, wretched, miserable, weak, etc. See hungáyhungáy, huyúthúyut.
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