To be soft, etc. See hómok.
To agree, intend, plot, conspire, confabulate, plan, come to an agreement. Naghúmon silá nga pátyon níla ang íla kaáway. They conspired to kill their enemy. Naghúmon silá nga mamándut. They agreed to assist at the Feast. Ginhumónan níla ang pagatí sang minurû. They hatched a plot to plunder (ransack) the village. Ang tátlo ka táo sa limá nga naghulúmon sing ribók sa bánwa nadakúp na. Three of the five men that plotted a revolution in the town have been caught. (see sugút).
To shake, tremble (as a building when it thunders, or the like).
See hómoy-taciturn, silent, etc.
See homóyhómoy-of a retired disposition, etc.
From húmut and humút.
Judge, justice, magistrate; umpire. (see hokóm).
Hatred. See dumút.
Scent, fragrance, smell, odour, aroma, perfume; scented, fragrant, sweet-smelling, odoriferous, odorous, perfumed. (see hamút).
To intend, plan, strive, have a mind to. Ginhúmtan (Ginhumútan) siá níya nga patún-on sa isá ka buluthúan nga matáas kag bántug. He intended to have him educated in a famous High School. (see túyò).
(B) Loose, shaky, not firmly set, wobbly; to loosen, shake to and fro, waggle. Hunâhunáa ang ngípon mo túbtub nga magábut. Waggle your tooth to and fro till it can be extracted. (see hungâhúngà).
Thought, thinking, idea, reflection, cogitation, consideration, surmise, guess, opinion; to think, cogitate, reflect, ponder, consider, surmise, opine, guess. Hunàhunáa inâ sing maáyo. Think well over it-or-Consider that well. Naghunâhúnà akó nga--. I thought that--. Ginahunâhunáan na níla karón sing mabinalák-on kon anó ang maáyo nga isagáng sa maláut nga pamatásan sang mga bág-ong túbò. They are now considering with great solicitude what is the best way to check the bad habits of the rising generation. Sa ákon hunâhúnà--. In my opinion--. Walâ akó sing hunâhúnà nga--. I had no idea that--. Kon maghunâhúnà ka sing súbung nagasayúp ikáw. If you think that, you are mistaken. (see dúmdum, painóíno, sálig).
Mostly used with pa- in the meaning of giving some respite, leaving alone or in peace, and the like. Indì akó pagpahunádon ni Akáy. My little daughter never gives me any rest, is always keeping me busy. Walâ akó níya pagpahunáda, kon walâ ko siá pagbákli sing bág-o nga báyò. He would not leave me in peace till I bought him a new jacket.
To feel relieved, improve, get better, be more at ease. Nagahunágay na ang ginháwa ko, kay nakainúm akó sing bulúng. I feel relieved now, for I have taken some medicine. Nagahunágay na ang ginabátyag ko. I have not so much pain now-or-I am feeling better. (see hagánhágan).
To open a way through a crowd, make way, make room; to force one's way, push aside. Hunahóna ang mga táo. Order the people to make way. (see hígin).
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