To move, stir, bestir oneself, get active or busy, set about. Ang mga sangá sang káhoy nagahúlag sa hángin. The branches of the tree are swaying in the wind. Tungúd sinâ man gánì nagahúlag na ang mga punoán. For that very reason the authorities are now bestirring themselves. Hulága or pahulága ang kalát, káhoy, etc. Shake the rope, the tree, etc. (see húblag, híos, etc.).
Dim. and Freq. of húlag. Maghulághúlag na kamó. Do something now, bestir yourselves a little.
A fidget, one who is restless, always on the move, never quiet, as children who won't sit still or the like.
To snore; snoring. Indì ka maghulágok. Don't snore. A, pahulagóka lang siá. Just let him snore. (see hurágok).
(H) Borrowing; to borrow, get a loan, raise money. Nakahulám siá sang ákon kwárta. He borrowed money from me. Pahulamá akó sang ímo kwárta. Lend me some money. Hulamí akó sing pílak kay Fuláno. Get me an accommodation from N.N. Ipahulám sa ákon ang ímo karabáw karón sa hápon. Let me have (let me have a lend of) your buffalo for this afternoon. Sa karón índì nákon ikáw mapahulám sing kwárta, kay balasúbas akó gid. For the present I cannot advance you money, because I am completely out of cash. Indì ka maghulám kag índì ka magpahulám. Neither borrower nor lender be. Ang amó nga pílak saráng mapahulám sa íla. That money can be given them as a loan, (they can borrow that money). (see língit, útang, ángkat).
(H) Heavy, sleepy (of eyes).
(H) To be heavy with sleep, scarcely able to keep the eyes open. Nagahulápay ang íya mga matá. His eyes are heavy with sleep. (hurápay id.).
Steam, radiation of heat. Húlas sang láwas. Radiation of heat from the body. Húlas sang túbig. Steam, heat emanating from hot water. Sakayán-húlas. Steamer.
To be or become easy, facile. Naghulás ang pagdáro, kay naulanán ang dútà sing madámol kagáb-i. Now it is easy to plough, for a heavy rain fell on the fields last night. Pahulasá ang íya trabáho. Make his work easy. Nahulasán akó sa pagtoón sang ininglés. It was easy for me to learn English. (see hapús).
To dry (rice, etc.) by artificial means. The "húlas" is often resorted to in rainy weather, when sun-drying is often out of the question for many days in succession. Hulása ang humáy, kay bayohón ko. Dry the rice, for I am going to pound it. Hulási akó sing tátlo ka gántang nga humáy. Dry three gantas of rice for me. May hinúlas kamó? Have you any dry rice (dried artificially)?
To wait, await, expect, look-, be ready-, for. Hulatá akó dirâ. Wait for me there. Ihulát akó ánay sing diótay nga tión. Please wait for me a moment. Daliá, kay índì na akó makahulát. Hurry up, for I cannot wait any longer. Anó ang ginahulát mo? What are you waiting for? What do you expect? Ginahulát níya ang ángay nga bálus. He is expecting a fitting reward. Hulát ánay! Wait a little! Wait a bit! (see paabút, angán).
(H) To cease, stop, give over, leave off (of rain); die down, burn out (of fire). Naghúlaw na ang ulán. The rain has stopped. It has stopped raining. (húraw id.).
To entangle, implicate, complicate, retain, keep secure, hold fast to. (see háwid).
To stagger, lurch, reel, walk unsteadily, sway to and fro, walk with a wavering gait (as a drunkard). (see dúling, dulíngdúling).
Dim. and Freq. of húlay. Ang mga hubúg nagahuláyhúlay. Drunken persons reel in their walk. (see dulíngdúling, panayódò).
To divide, partition, share out, distribute, apportion. Hulayá ang humáy, kwárta, etc. Divide the rice, distribute the money, etc. Hulayí akó sang ákon báhin. Let me have my share-or-give me my portion. Ginhuláy níla ang mga háyup nga pinanúblì níla. They divided amongst themselves the animals they had inherited. Ari ang limá ka mángmang; ipahuláy lang sa mga músiko. Here are five pesos; let the musicians divide them amongst themselves. (see báhin, párte).
To eradicate completely, take out or pull up with all the roots attached. Hulbotá ang tanúm. Pull up the plant by the roots. (see gábut).
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