(B) Dim. and Freq. of húlid. Nagahulídhúlid silá sa salúg. They are lying side by side on the floor.
To snap-, swallow-, the bait, bite. Anó ang ihulík mo sa ísdà? What are you using as bait for the fish? Nakahulík na ang ísdà. The fish has snapped at the bait. Bisán anó ang hámbal mo, índì siá maghulík. Whatever you may say, he will not bite, i.e. will not agree with you-or-do your bidding.
A kind of bird.
(Sp. julio) July. (see hidapdápan).
(H) To mend wickerwork, repair a mat, basket, thatched roof, etc. Hulípi ang amákan. Repair the bamboo mat. Ginhulípan níla ang atóp nga kógon. They repaired the cogon-roof. Ihúlip iníng mga sókdap sa tabungós. Use these bamboo strips to mend the tabungós-basket. Ihúlip akó ánay sang ákon bakág. Please mend my carrier's basket. (see húrip id.).
(H) Dim. and Freq. of húlip. Ginahuliphulípan na níla ang mga atóp, kay malapít na ang tingulán. They are now repairing their roofs, because the rainy season is approaching. (see huríphúrip).
(H) To gather, etc. See hólon, holónhólon.
Gentle, mild, modestly downcast, demure, etc. (of eyes). See holóy.
(H) See huluáran.
(H) Example, model, type, pattern, original, precedent, standard, ensample, something to be copied or imitated. (see huád, laráwan, palanganináwan, solóndan).
(H) See the following hulubarán.
(H) Place where a thing is opened or untied, anything bound that should be untied or set free. Diín náyon ang hulubarán siníng bakág? Where is the opening of this carrier's basket (i.e. where do you start to untie the string with which this basket is fastened)? Gingápus níla iníng táo nga walâ sing salâ; hulubarán siá. They have bound this man who is innocent (has done nothing wrong); he should be set free. (see hubád).
(H) Proverb, saying, saw, maxim, aphorism, adage, axiom, apothegm, apophthegm, truism; incantation, invocation or the like, as used in superstitious rites. Also verb. Anó ang ginahulubáton sang babáylan sa íya nga búhat? What incantations does the soothsayer chant, when practising magic? (see hurubáton id.).
To drop, throw, fall down, cause to fall down, tumble down, precipitate, precipitate oneself. Andam ka, agúd índì ka mahúlug. Take care lest you should fall. Hulúga ang bató. Throw down the stone. Nahulúgan siá sing bátà. She had a miscarriage. Nahulúgan akó sing tokô sang nagakatulúg akó. A gecko dropped down on me whilst I was asleep. Ihúlug mo lang ang martílyo sa bintánà. Just throw the hammer down from the window. Sang isá ka túig ang Pagkatáo nahúlug sa isá ka Domíngo. Last year Christmas fell on a Sunday. Halín ka dirí kay básì hulúgan ka sing lubí. Go away from here, for a coconut might drop down on you. (see dágdag).
That on which something falls, or the like, hence: term, definite space of time, fixed period, date, instalment, etc. Binaligyáay (Binaklanáy) sa (sing) hulugán. Selling (Buying) by instalment (on an instalment plan). (see húlug).
(H) What is to-, should be-, rinsed or cleaned with water, as dirty glasses, crockery, table-ware, feet, etc. (see húgas).
(H) One who is about to be, or should be, attacked by others in a body; a prey or victim (of many) (see húgnit).
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