To waver, vacillate, falter, act irresolutely, be infirm of purpose, but mostly construed with a negative and hence meaning: To act with determination, purposefully, without evasion, etc. Kon hugabán mo ang pagkósò índì maúrut ang bulíng siní nga panápton. If you rub this garment so remissly, you will not get all the dirt out. Walâ níya paghugabí ang paghánot sa íya anák. He did not hesitate to give his son a sound beating.
Dim. and Freq. of hugáb. Bunálon ka karón sang ímo amáy sa walâ sing hugábhúgab, kay ígò lang ikáw sang lágaw. No doubt you will get a good beating from your father to-day, as you are always loafing about. (see dugádúga).
Loosely tied, loose, slack, not tight; relaxed; to tie loosely. Hugák iní; húgtà sing maáyo. This is loosely tied; tighten it. Hugakí ang balíghot, wáklos, etc. Tie the knot, the belt, etc. loosely. Loosen the knot, the belt, etc. Hinugakán níya ang íya wáklos, kay lakás kabusúg sa íya. He loosened his belt, for he had eaten too much. (see tugák id.).
Loose, slack, not tight, relaxed; not fervent, not very sincere. Hugakâ man lang ang pagtúman mo sang ákon mga sógò. You are slack in carrying out my orders. (see halungkakâ id.).
To take or grasp all, appropriate the whole amount, seize greedily everything to be had without consideration for others. Indì ka maghugákom sang tanán nga tabákò, ságing, etc. Don't take all the cigars, bananas, etc. (but have some consideration for others). Hugakóma lang ang tanán. Just grasp everything. Take it all. (see kayába, ángkon, kúhà, guráput, kapút, kápyot).
To roar, thunder, howl, to make a noise as of rushing waters, trees shaking in the wind or the like. Nagahugánas ang hángin sa baláy. The wind is howling through the house. Naghugánas ang káhoy nga napúkan, ang mga apán nga naglubás, etc. The tree came down with a crash, the locusts passed with a whirring sound, etc. (see hugpáas).
(Sp. jugar) To play (cards, draughts, etc.); to pay out, give more, relax (a rope, line, etc.). Mahugár kitá sang ténis, bésbol, baráha, etc. Let us play tennis, baseball, cards, etc. Ginahugár níla ang ahedrés. They are playing chess. Hugarí ang písì. Pay out the rope, give more rope, slacken the string, let the line run out. (see hámpang, hugák, tugák).
To rinse, wash, clean, cleanse with water. Hugási ang báso. Rinse the glass (with water). Mahúgas pa akó ánay sang ákon tiíl. First I am going to wash my feet. Ihúgas iníng túbig sa pínggan. Use this water to clean the plates with. Hinugásan níla ang mga kópa. They cleaned the wine-glasses (with water). Ihúgas akó siníng supéra. Kindly clean this soup-tureen for me. Ipahúgas iníng mga báso sa mutsátso. Have these glasses cleaned by the servant-or-Order the servant to clean these glasses.
To lessen, weaken, become easier to bear (of grief, pain, a strong smell, etc.). (see hagánhágan, búhin, púas).
From hubúg. See húbgon id.
Period, while, season, spell (of time). Kagáb-i nagkatulúg akó sing tátlo ka húgnat. Last night I had three short snatches of sleep. Nagtrabáho silá kaína sang ága sing duhá ka húgnat. They were at work this morning for two short spells.
Dim. and Freq. of húgnat. To do at intervals, on and off, by fits and starts, by spells, do something in alternate periods as working and resting, walking and riding, sleeping and waking, etc. Nagahugnáthúgnat silá sang íla pagarádo. They are doing their ploughing by fits and starts. Ginahugnáthúgnat lang níla ang íla paglakát. They took frequent rests during their walk. Hugnáthugnáta lang ang ímo trabáho, kon índì ka makaántus magpangabúdlay sing lángkoy. Work a bit and then rest awhile if you cannot stand working at a stretch.
To fall upon in a body, make common cause against. Indì nínyo siá paghugnitón. Don't fall upon him in a body. Ang mga gamít nga nabilín ni ánhing Fuláno ginhulúgnit sang íya kahinablúsan. All the furniture and clothes of the late N.N. were seized by her nieces and nephews. Ila ginhulúgnit sang sakít ang makáwat nga íla nadákpan. They (all together) maltreated the thief they caught. (see púli).
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