To alight, perch, land, come to rest (especially of birds). Nahugpaán sang manók ang ugá. The chickens alighted on the dry rice. Ang píspis naghúgpà sa atóp sang ámon baláy. The bird perched on the roof of our house. Indì mo pagpahugpaón ang mga manók sa humáy. Don't permit the chickens to alight on the rice-or-don't allow the chickens to tread on the rice.
To be attached or joined to; part, division; stanza, strophe. Ang tátlo ka búlak naghúgpung sa isá lámang ka pungángo. The three flowers were attached to the same stem. Ang ikaduhá ka húgpung sang amó nga binaláybay--. The second strophe of that poem--.
To apply diligence, do with zeal, ardour, care, earnestness, be assiduous, execute diligently. Maghúgud ka sang ímo pagtoón or hugúdi (-úri) ang ímo pagtoón. Study with zeal. Be diligent at your studies. Ginhugúdan níla ang pagpatíndog sang baláy. They set about briskly building the house. (see úkud, písan, bákas).
To steep in, pervade, diffuse, saturate with (odours, etc.). Ang kahumút sang habón naghúgum sa mga panápton nga sa sulúd sang baúl. The scent of the soap suffused the clothes in the trunk. Nahugúman ang íya ulús sang bahô sang binódo. Her clothes are saturated with the smell of salt fish. Ihúgum (ipahúgum) iníng pahumút sa ákon mga panápton. Scent my clothes with this perfume. Nahúgum gid siá sang amó nga pagtoloóhan. He is steeped in that creed-or: He is a votary of that creed. (see lúgum, húpug).
Hard, heavy, grave, serious (of work, disease, difficulties, etc.); to be or become serious, etc. Sa hugúng nga kabúdlay--. With hard work--. Hugúng na, konó, ang íya balatían. His disease, they say, is serious now. Naghugúng ang íya ginabátyag. His sickness has become serious. He feels seriously or dangerously ill. (see sugúng).
Fast, firm, taut, tight, tense, stretched, not slack; to tighten, make taut, etc. Húgta ang kalát. Tighten the rope. Húgti akó sináng kalát. Make that rope taut for me. Sa hugút níya nga paghigót nabúgras ang písi. On account of his tying so tight the string snapped. Sa hugút nga pagtúo.--. With firm, unshaken faith--.
To gather, pick, pluck (peas, beans, etc.). Hugúta ang kadyós, kay nagapalanggusáng na. Pluck the cadios-peas, for they are beginning to burst (i.e. are ripe). Hugúti akó sing balátong. Gather some beans for me. Ihúgut mo akó ánay sang ákon mónggo. Kindly gather my monggo for me.
Late (of corn, etc.). See hudiánan, hudyánan.
To be noisily cheerful, shout with joy and pleasure. See hinúgyaw.
To get loose and fall off, peel off, scale off (as plaster from a wall, labels pasted on boards, etc.). Nahúk-ab ang pínta sa baláy, ang ápog sa padér, etc. The paint on the house, the plaster on the wall loosened-or-came off in scales, etc. Huk-abá ang sílyo sa sóbre. Take the stamp off the envelope. Huk-abí ang puertáhan sináng papél. Take that paper off the door. Sín-o ang naghúk-ab sang abíso nga ákon ginpapilít sa tápì dirâ? Who tore off the notice I pasted on that board there? (see ukáb, lúk-ab, húl-ab).
An excursion or picnic (with a generous supply of toddy); to arrange-, have-, take part in-, such a picnic.
To loosen (earth, etc.). Pahukábi-pahabóki. See hábok.
To take off a peg, seize, snatch. Maghukás ka sang (hukasá or húksa ang) báyò sa salab-ítan. Take the jacket off the peg. Húksa ang síngkaw sa líog sang karabáw. Take the yoke off the buffalo's neck. Ihukás akó ánay sang síya sang kabáyo. Please unsaddle the horse (for me). Nahukás (nákhas) ang tokó. The supporting (upright) beam gave way, (became loose or fell down). (see húklas, kúhà).
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