To be, become or make wide, broad, ample, extended. Naglápad na ang íya palangúmhan. His farm has become extensive. Lapáda (-ára) ang lamésa. Make the table wide or wider. Ilápad iníng tápì sa látok. Add this board to the width of the table. Púngkò ka sa nalapáran sang tápì. Sit down on the broad part of the plank. Magalápad ang katúl mo kon ímo kalóton sing támà. Your skin-disease called katúl will spread, if you scratch it too much. Ginalapádan akó siníng umá. This field seems large to me.
To strike with the flat part of. Ilapád sa íya ang binángon. Strike him with the flat of the bolo. Lapadá (-ará) siá sang ímo talibóng. Beat him with the flat of your talibóng. (talibóng-a large bolo).
Dim. and Freq. of lápad and lapád. Also: flat, square, with at least one flat side or part (of stones, timber, etc.). Magkúhà ka dídto sing isá ka bató nga lapádlápad. Fetch from there a rather flat-sided stone. (see matápan).
To tread or step or walk on, trample upon; to treat with pride, contempt or insult. Lápak (maglápak) ka sang mán-og-or-lapáki ang mán-og. Trample on the snake. Crush the snake with your foot. Indì ka maglápak dirâ, kay mabasâ pa ang siménto. Don't put down your foot there, for the cement is still wet. (see tápak, túmban).
To walk about, pace to and fro. See tapáktapák id.
A treadle, pedal, anything used to tread or step upon. Lapákan mo ang lapakán. Step on the treadle. (see tapakán).
To level, even, make smooth, flatten (by beating, slapping, etc.).
To disobey an order, contravene, neglect, leave undone, ignore, take no notice of, blink, disregard, omit to do. Nakalápas siá sa pagsímba. Tátlo ka Domíngo ang íya ginlápas. He neglected to go to Church. Three Sundays he failed to go to Church. Indì mo paglapáson ang mga sógò sang ímo ginikánan-or-índì mo paglapásan ang ímo ginikánan sang íla mga sógò. Do not disobey the commands of your parents. Indì ka gid maglápas siníng ákon mga túgon. Don't by any means neglect (fail) to carry out this order of mine. (see lális).
Over, above, rising above, higher than; to be higher than, rise above. Ang bahâ lapáw na sa táo. The flood is now more than man-deep. Nalapawán akó sang tubig. The water rose above me. (see labáw).
To go, pass over or above. Ang mga balúd naglápaw sa sakayán-or-linapáwan ang sakayán sang mga balúd. The waves washed over the boat-or-the boat was awash. (see lábaw).
A flick, stroke, lash, cut (of a rod, whip, etc.); to strike, flick, lash, flip, whip, beat, flog, give a stroke (of a rod, etc.). Lapdosí siá. Give him a flick. Linapdosán akó níya sang látigo. He gave me a stroke of the whip. Ilápdos sa íya ang bilogón sing makátlo. Give him three strokes of the rod. (see lábtik, búnal, hámpak, látigo, hánot, etc.).
To climb a pole or the like using only hands and feet. Maálam ka maglápgos (saráng ka makalápgos)? Can you climb a pole? Lapgosí ang lubí nga walâ sing hánghang. Climb the coconut without notches.
Pole, bole, may-pole.
Shallow, not deep (of plates, baskets, etc.); to be or become shallow, etc. Hatági akó sing pínggan nga lápiad. Give me a shallow plate (a dinner plate). Naglápiad iníng kalálaw. This rice-sifter has become shallow. Nalapiadán (-arán) akó siníng kaláhà, laháng, etc. This pan, earthen plate, etc. is too shallow for me. (see lápad, lapádlápad, nábaw).
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