Outside, foreign; except, apart from, outside of, beyond, free of, away from. Indì ka magbakál sinâ sa luás. Don't buy such things outside, from foreign countries. Gíkan sa luás--. From the outside world--. From a foreign country--. Luás siní--. Apart from this--. Luás akó siní. I am-free of it,-out of it. I have no connection with, or responsibility for, it.
To free, deliver, redeem, liberate, set free, set at liberty, let out, let loose, release, discharge. Luasá akó, Ginóo, sa maláut ko nga kapaláran. Deliver me, oh Lord, from my misfortune. Iluás akó ánay siníng binilánggò, kay ginakilála ko nga maáyo siá nga táo. Pray, free this prisoner, for I know him to be a good man. Sín-o ang nagluás sa ímo? Who let you out? Indì ka maluás sa ímo nga kaimolón, kon matámad ka magpangabúdlay. You cannot rise out of your poverty, if you are too lazy to work. Naluás na siá. He is now free. (see báwì, tubús, búhì, pabúhì).
To go-, reach-, beyond or outside of. Indì mo pagluáson ang ímo tíngug sa ímo nga baláy. Don't permit your voice to reach outside your home, i.e. don't talk so loud as to be heard by outsiders.
Joint, articulation; hinge. (see lutálutahán, biságra).
To cease, stop, leave off, desist. Indì akó maluát sa pagkádto dídto túbtub nga ákon siá makítà. I will not stop from going there till I see him. Walâ níya pagluatí ang pagbalíkbálik dídto túbtub nga nagkasugtánay silá kag nabakál níya ang báka. He did not (would not) desist from returning there again and again till they came to an agreement and he succeeded in buying the cow. (see liát, libútay).
Awry, bent, inclined to one side; to be awry, etc. Nagaluáy ang íya báyò, kamisón, etc. Her upper garment, her shirt, etc. is all awry or hanging down on one side (exposing part of the shoulder). Indì mo pagpaluayón ang kimóno mo. Don't wear your waist awry or twisted to one side (thereby displaying too much of the skin on one side of the neck).
Rotten, putrid, decayed, stale, bad smelling, said of fish, meat, etc., corrupt, putrescent, bad, tainted, foul, fetid, evil smelling, stinking, malodorous. Nagalúb-uk lang dirí ang ísdà kay walâ sing nagabakál. The fish is just rotting here, for there are no buyers. Ibalígyà ang kárne sing madalî, agúd índì maglúb-uk. Sell the meat quickly or it will spoil. Nalub-ukán akó sing madámù nga ísdà; dakû ang ákon kaperdihán. Quite a lot of my fish went rotten; my loss is great. (see dúnut, dunút, hurô, bahál).
To open, solve, translate, untie, undo, unbind, disjoin, disconnect, disentangle, loosen knots, etc.; to fade, said of colours. Lubará ang higót. Untie the string. Lubarí akó siníng balíghot-or-ilubád akó ánay siníng balíghot. Please, undo this knot for me. Lubarón mo ináng paktákon, kon makalubád ka (sinâ). Solve that riddle if you can. Ang katarúngan nga ginpaháyag ni Pédro ginlubád gid ni Páblo. The arguments adduced by Peter were refuted by Paul. Nalubarán siá sang iyá nga katarúngan. His reasons or proofs were refuted or gainsaid. Naglubád ang duág sang báyò mo. The colour of your jacket has faded. (see lúbdon, lúbdan-lubarón, lubarán).
Dim. and Freq. of lubád-to untie, etc.
The month of August. (see agósto).
To twist, wring, turn. Lubága ang diróskas, ang kalát, etc. Turn the screw, twist the rope, etc. Lubági akó siníng sókdap kay ihigót ko sa kodál. Twist this split bamboo for me, for I am going to tie the fence with it. Ilúbag akó siníng sâsâ. Twist these buri-fibres for me. Hípus ka, kay kon dílì lubágon ko ang líog mo. Be silent, otherwise I'll wring your neck. (lábag).
(B) To crush, pound, beat. Nagalúbak siá sing ságing sa lusóng. He is pounding bananas in the rice-mortar. Lubáka ang lánot nga talagakón. Beat the hemp that is to be arranged for weaving-or-is to be tied together. Lubáki akó sing dalógdog, balátong, etc. Crush or pound for me some dalógdog-fruits, beans, etc. (see bayó for pounding rice).
(B) A mortar for the operation of lúbak. As a rule the lubakán is smaller than the lusóng, but similar in shape and make-up.
(B) To pass, go by, lapse, elapse, expire. Nakalubás na kútub sádto ang pilá ka túig. Several years have passed since then. Sín-o ang naglubás? Who was it that passed by? Nalúbsan níya akó. He passed me by. Indì mo paglúbsan ang ámon baláy, kóndì maghápit ka gid kon magkádto ka dídto sa ámon dapít. Do not pass by our house, but call on us without fail, if you come to our place. Palúbsa siá. Let him pass. (see ági, lígad).
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