See lokón-a stay-at-home.
(H) Kindness, tenderness, affection; to be kind, tender, affectionate. Nagalolô siá sa bátà-or-ginaloloán níya ang bátà. She is kind to the child or treats the child very tenderly. (see lólot).
A bamboo-rope, twisted bamboo-splints, strips of bamboo called sókdap corded in the form of ropes; to cord, twine, twist. Metaphorically: to touch dishonestly.
The knee-bend,-joint. (see lukulukuán, lulúknan).
To roll up, make a roll of; roll, bale (of paper, etc.). Loloná ang baníg, amákan, etc. Roll up the bed-mat, bamboo-mat, etc. Ilolón mo akó ánay sináng mga sáko. Kindly make those sacks up into a roll for me. Loloní akó siníng lág-i. Make this fish-trap netting up into a roll for me. Ginlolón níla ang mga bayóong, etc. They rolled up the bags, etc. (see balólon, balón, lúkot).
To roll up, wind up, tuck up. Lolosá ang pakô sang bátà, kay síbtan siá sang manugbúlung. Tuck up (roll up) the child's sleeve, for the doctor is going to vaccinate it. Ginlolós níya ang kortína sang higdáan. He rolled up the bed-curtain. Indì mo paglolosón ang mantél sang lamésa, kóndì lábhan mo ánay kag ibulád sa ínit. Don't roll up the table-cover (table-cloth), but wash it first and spread it in the sun to dry. Ilolós akó ánay sang amákan. Please roll up the bamboo mat. Naghúmlad (nalógho) ang linolós níya nga delárgo. His tucked up trousers have come loose. Andam ka agúd índì magúntay (malubád) ang linolós mo nga pakô. Be on your guard or your turned-up sleeve may become loose. Untayí akó sang álba nga nalolós sa ákon likód. Let down the alb that is all rucked up on my back. (see lolón, balólon, baláking, kolókos).
Gentleness, kindheartedness, mildness; to be or become gentle, mild, tender. Naglólot siá sa ílo nga bátà-or-ginlolótan níya ang ílo nga bátà. She treated the orphan child with great kindness. Ang nalolótan níya nga anák. Her beloved son or daughter. (see lolô).
(Sp. lomillo) Small loin.
(Sp. lomo) Loin, sirloin (of beef).
Softness; to be soft, soften (through the action of a liquid or the like). Naglomó na gid ang tinapáy nga ginbutáng mo sa túbig. The bread you put into the water is quite soft now. Palomohá ang sókdap, uwáy, nítò, etc. Soften (in water) the bamboo splints, rattan, níto, etc. Palomohí akó sing balátong, kay lagáon ko. Soften the beans (in water) for me, because I am going to boil them. (see hómok, lúm-ok).
Moss; to cover with moss, be or become mossy. Ang ámon áwang nalomótan. Our well has become mossy, is covered with moss. Bató nga nalomótan. A mossy stone.
From loón-to put a lid on, cover.
Wet, moist soil, low-lying field or hollow where the water remains a long time for lack of an outlet; fertile soil. (see hínis-sandy, barren soil).
To knock or push against, to come in sharp contact with. Nakalónggò ang úlo ko sa díngding. I knocked my head against the wall. Nalonggoán sang ákon ágtang ang halígi. My forehead came in sharp contact with the post. Andam ka agúd índì ka makalónggò sa pángpang sang lóblob. Look out, and don't knock against the sides of the narrow defile. (see búnggò, súnggò).
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