List of Hiligaynon words starting with the letter L - Page 61



A kind of fish whose flesh is rather tough and therefore líson, as a form of speech, also signifies health and strength. Si Pédro matámbok, ápang tabonánà lámang, si Hosé magamáy, ápang líson. Peter is stout, but merely fleshy, José is small, but strong or muscular.



(Sp. lista) List, record, memorandum; to list, enlist, enrol, enter a name, make a memorandum. Listahá silá. Enlist their names. Ilísta akó ánay sang ákon ngálan. Please enlist my name. Ipalísta silá. Have them enrolled. Get them to enlist. Mapalísta na kamí. We are now going to have our names put down in the register. Iníng tulún-an amó ang linistahán sang tanán nga mga umalamót. This book contains the names of all contributors or subscribers. Diín ang lísta sang mga katápù? Where is the record of the members? (see pasulát, listáhan, pagkítan).



Bright, clever (of girls). See lísto).



Roll or list of names, record, register, copy-book for making memoranda or entering a list of names, etc. (see lísta).



(Sp. listo) Ready, prepared, equipped, fully provided or arranged; clever, cunning, resourceful, tricksy. Lísto na ang panyága. Dinner is ready. Lísto na akó sa paglakát. I am ready to march-or-set out. Lísto na ang tanán nga inoglúlan. All the goods to be loaded are prepared. Siá lísto gid sa tanán nga mga bágay. He is a clever fellow in every way, an all round man. Andam ka sa íya, kay lísto siá kaáyo. Beware of him, because he is very tricksy or cunning. (see humán, tigána, hándà, hímos, antígo, anád, sagád, sampáton, batíd, lántip).



(Sp. liston) Ribbon, riband, band, sash; to use or apply a ribbon, etc. Listoní ang ákon pányò. Put a ribbon or band round my handkerchief. Ilistón akó ánay sang ákon pakô. Put a ribbon on my sleeve. Ilistón lang iníng kondíman sa ímo háwak. Just use this red cloth for a sash round your waist.



Trouble, difficulty, distress, moral, spiritual or physical hardship; to be or to get in trouble, distress, etc. Nagalisúd na ang íya pagbátì. His disease is getting serious. Nalísdan kamí sang ámon pangabúhì sa karón nga túig. This year we have found it difficult to get a living. Dî mo igkalisúd yanáng mga butáng-or-dî mo pagkalísdan yanáng mga butáng. Don't take those things too much to heart. Don't allow yourself to be troubled by such things. Indì ka magpangalisúd sing lakás tungúd sang kamatáyon sang ímo útud. Don't grieve overmuch over the death of your brother. Nagakalisúd siá karón, kay--. He is troubled-or-in distress at present, because--. (see kalisdánan, kalilísdan, malisúd).



To pour hot water, etc., on or over something, put into hot water. Liswahí ang báboy, kay kiskisán ko. Pour hot water over the pig, for I am going to scrape off its bristles. Liswahán mo ánay ang mga pínggan kag ugáling pahíran mo kag pamálhon (pamálon). Put the plates first into hot water, then wipe and dry them. Ilíswa ang túbig sa pínggan. Pour hot water over the plate, wash the plate with hot water. Liniswahán ko ang dalók nga idô. I poured hot water on the greedy dog.



To bend backwards, fall, or tumble over, on one's back. (see balít-ad, tiahád, tik-yahád).



To snare, ensnare, capture. (see síod, siód).



Circumvention, subterfuge, trick, cheating; to catch by crossing one's way, intercept, cut off, waylay, thwart, trick, cheat. Litaá siá. Intercept him. Nadakúp ang makáwat sang paglitâ sa íya sang polís. The thief was caught when the policeman crossed his way. Ginlitâ níla ang buyóng sa búkid. They intercepted the robber in the mountain. Kon magági ka dirâ sa laktúran saráng ka makalitâ sa binilánggò nga nalágyo. If you take the short-cut there you may be able to intercept the run-away prisoner. (see lipót, bángan, bánggà, balábag).



Dim. and Freq. of litâ-to intercept, etc.

To wander about, go from place to place, rove, roam, ramble. (see lagáw-lágaw, landólándo, etc.).



To be absent-minded, attend to carelessly or negligently, shirk, leave, relinquish, evade, abandon (work, etc.). Indì ka maglítad sang ímo nga buluhatón. Don't shirk your duties. Don't be negligent in the performance of your duties. (see líkag id.).



Dim. and Freq. of lítad. Magtánum na kamú sa waláy litádlítad. Plant rice now without interruption, without leaving off every now and again. (see bíyà, báyà).



To detain, interrupt, disturb, encroach on one's time, etc. Nalítag akó sang sugilánon. I was detained or interrupted (in my work) by a conversation (with somebody). (see dúpag, lúpag).



(Sp. litania) Litany.

To walk about, go from place to place, etc. See lágaw, lagáw-lágaw.



(Sp. literatura) Literature, classical reading, learning, writings. (see kasulátan, balasahón, sinulatán, tulún-an).



Cracked, split, flawed, rifted, fissured; to crack, split, flaw, rift, become fissured; to be worried, perplexed, upset. Naglitík ang bangâ. The water-cooler has cracked. Indì mo pagbutangán ang báso sing túbig nga inínit, kay básì magalitík. Don't put hot water in the glass, for it might crack. Litík nga gorgoríta. A cracked water-jar. Palítkon (Palitikón) ko karón ang úlo mo. I'll split your head. Palítki (Palitikí) siá sang íya ólo. Split his head. Nagalitík ang ákon úlo tungúd siní. I am very much worried about it. Amó inâ nga butáng ang nagapalitík karón sang íya úlo. That is the thing that upsets him,-worries him, at present. (see balanâ, bukâ, balángkà, píhak, bíal).

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