Dim. and Freq. of lágà-to boil. etc.
Dim. of lagâ-brown, auburn.
The noise of stones, etc. flopping, dropping to the ground; to flop, drop or fall to the ground with a crash. Naglagábung gid ang mga lubí nga nahúlug. The coconuts fell down with a thud. Nagalagábung ang mga bató nga nadágdag sa busáy. The stones dropped down the precipice are making a thundering noise. Sang paggubâ níla sang padér naglinagábung ang mga bató. When they demolished the wall, the stones came crashing to the ground. Palagabúnga ang mga bató. Make the stones come down with a crash. (see lágbung).
(B) See lagárì-saw, etc.
To crack, crash, etc. See ragámak, ragáak.
A kind of sea-shell.
Things to be boiled or that should be boiled, especially said of peas and beans. May lagaón ikáw nga ginabalígyà? Have you any peas or beans for sale? (see lágà, talangkúnon).
To seek, look for, etc. See lághap, sághap, pangítà, etc.
The noise of falling waters, the tramping of horses, etc; to roar, thunder, clatter, clap, slap, etc. Naglagápak ang mga láta nga nahúlug sa hágdan. The cans that fell down the stair made a clatter. Nagalagápak ang túbig sa busáy. The water is falling over the precipice with a noise like thunder. Magalagápak ang mga tápì sang táytay kon maágyan sing kabáyo nga nagatúwad. The boards of the bridge resound when a horse passes over it at a gallop. Tinámpà níya siá nga lumagápak (lumagapák) ang íya guyá. He slapped him that his cheek resounded with the blow. (see lágpak).
The noise of a book, board, sheet of iron, etc. falling flat; to clap, flop, slap, plump, slam. Naglagápok ang mga tulún-an nga nadágdag sa estánte. The books that fell down from the case slammed on the floor. The books fell down from the case with a bang. Diín ang hulút nga ginalagapókan? Where is the room from which the noise comes? (see lágpok, linagápok).
(H) A saw; to saw, cut with a saw. Lagaría ang káhoy. Saw the wood. Lagaríi akó sing pilá ka tápì. Saw a few planks for me. Ginlagarían níla sing káhoy ang idálum sang baláy. They sawed wood on the ground-floor of the house. Ilagárì akó ánay siníng káhoy. Please saw this wood for me.
To pursue, run after, chase. Lágsa (lagasá) ang mga kánding. Chase the goats. Iníng idô maábtik maglagás sang talunón. This dog is clever at chasing wild pigs. Ilagás akó ánay sináng mga karnéro nga nagsulúd sa ámon pamulákan. Please run after those sheep that have entered our garden. Awát man lang ang íya paglagás sa bátà, kay walâ níya maabúti. His chase after the boy was of no avail, for he could not catch him. (see láas).
Dim. and Freq. of lagás. Iníng idô dáyon gid lang nagalagáslágas sang mga karnéro. This dog is always running after sheep.
A cracking or crackling noise; to snap, crack, crackle. Nagalagátok ang íya mga lutalutáhan. His joints are cracking. Magpalagátok ka sang ímo mga túdlò. Snap your fingers. (see lágtok).
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