A kind of plant. Its leaves are used as a remedy for headache.
A plant whose soft young shoots are edible like those of the "salámyog."
To draw or pull out with a jerk, jerk out, grab, grasp, seize with some force, take hold of suddenly and swiftly. Labnotá ang bastón. Grab the stick. (of gúnut, hábnus, húnus).
A blow, stroke, slash (of any sharp-edged instrument); to strike, scotch, smite, slash, cut. Ilabô sa idô ang ímo binángon. Strike the dog with your bolo. Laboá ang mán-og. Scotch the snake. Ginlaboán níla iníng tápì, sing makátlo, kay makítà pa ang tátlo ka ági. Sín-o balá ang naglabô? They made three cuts in this board, for the three marks can be seen still. Who can have made those cuts? Pinatáy siá sang buyóng sa isá ka labô sang talibóng. He was killed by the brigand with one stroke of his heavy bolo. (láb-on-laboón).
Striped, alternate (of colours); to alternate colours (in dyeing cloth, etc.). (see lábo).
(B) Dropsy. (see palanghubág, palamanóg).
(B) Dropsical.
Loose, slack, not tight, not taut; to loosen, get loose, slacken. Naglabóy ang páha ko. My belt got loose. Húgta ang páha mo, agúd índì maglabóy ang sárwal mo. Tighten your belt, lest your trousers should get slack. Laboyí ang higót sang dúyan, kay támà katáas. Let out the rope of the hammock, for it is too high. Nalaboyán ko ang kalát. I loosened the rope. Laboyí ang kalát, kay támà katáning. Slacken the rope, for it is too tight. Ilabóy akó ánay siníng higót. Please loosen this string for me.
(Sp. labrar) To strike, cut, hew down; dress, trim, carve, hew. Labrahí ang káhoy sang binángon. Trim or dress the wood with the bolo. Wásay ang ilábra mo sa káhoy nga pulukanón nga halilígyon. Use a hatchet to trim the tree that is to be cut down and made into a post. Ginlabrahán níya siá sang talibóng. He smote him with a large bolo. (see básbas, labô).
From lábut.
A flick, flip, stroke, blow, hit; to flick, flip, strike, lash, whip, beat. Ginlabtikán siá níya sang bulunál. He struck him with the whip-or-He gave him a flick of the whip. Labtikí siá bangúd sang maláut nga íya nga ginhímò. Let him smart for his wicked deed. Indì mo siá paglabtikán sang matalúm mo nga dílà. Don't lash him with your bitter (sharp) tongue. Nabáton níya ang tátlo ka lábtik. He received three strokes. Metaphorically: To give to understand, hint at. Linabtikán níya si Fulána sang íya gúgma. He gave Miss N.N. an inkling of his love for her. (see lábyog, búnal, hámpak, hánot).
Chopped, minced, hashed; to be converted into hash. Palábtog-to chop up, mince and mix. Kárne nga pinalábtog. Minced meat. Hash.
Sediment, dregs, lees, grounds (of liquids); the last of a series, as the very last child in a family; to form dregs, etc. Nalabúdan (-úran) ang salúd sang tubâ. The receptacle for collecting toddy is full of sediment. (see lágtok).
Weal, wale, mark (of a whip or the like); a streak, stripe (of two threads or fibres); to streak, stripe, mark with stripes. Ilabúd sa kabáyo ang látigo. Labudí (-urí) ang kabáyo sang látigo. Give the horse the whip. May labúd ang íya nga písngi. There is a weal on his cheek. Búnal nga waáy labúd. A whipping without weals, i.e. a severe scolding, adverse criticism, etc. Ang sámay sang ákon patádyong isá gid lang ka labúd nga sedalína, ápang ang íya sang patádyong ni mánang duhá gid ka púlò ka labúd nga sedalína. The stripes in my skirt consist of only two silk threads, but those in the skirt of my eldest sister consist of forty silk threads. Butangí ang ákon báyò sing duhá ka labúd nga mapulá. Put two red stripes into my jacket. (see lábhag, lábtik, sámay, guráy).
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