To pass by or through, flit past, cross. Naglabád siá sa ákon baláy nga dáw hángin. He passed by my house like the wind. Nalabadán (nalabarán) ang ákon paínoíno sang panghúnàhúnà nga--. The thought crossed my mind that--. Ilabád ang áwto sa plása. Drive the auto through the public square. (see labáy).
Dim. and Freq. of labád. Indì ka maglabádlábad sa ámon atubángan. Don't pass to and fro in front of us. (see labáylábay).
(Sp. lavado) Laundry-work, wash, laundry, clothes washed (linábhan) or to be washed (lalábhan).
A twist, turn; twisted, wrung, wrenched; a hank (of yarn, etc.).
Dim. and Freq. of lábag. Indì malabáglábag ang íya sinâ nga kamatuóran. The truth of this cannot be twisted, i.e. no one can deny this truth.
Shower, volley (of stones, rifle shots, etc.); to volley, clatter, patter. (see árak, bárak, barákbarák).
More than half, majority, the larger part or share; more, greater, larger (of quantity or numbers); to be, do, etc. more, exceed, surpass, outdo. Ang labán sang ákon humáy ginbalígyà ko na. I have sold more than half of my rice already. Ihátag mo sa íya ang tungâ sang tinápay, índì ka maglabán sa íya-or-índì mo siá paglabanán. Give him half of the bread, don't keep the larger share for yourself. Ginlabán níya ang paghátag sa kay Pédro. He gave Pedro more. Nalabanán akó níya sing duhá ka páhò. He got two mangoes more than I did.
To ensnare, catch, rope, tie or intercept with a rope. (The ends of the rope are held by two men, who, on the approach of the animal, throw the rope under its neck and then quickly change places so as to encircle the animal's neck with the rope). Maglábang ka sang kabáyo-or-labánga ang kabáyo. Catch the horse by means of a rope. (see lábay).
To take within one's range, encroach upon. See ábang.
Snare, noose; fetter, shackles; line, boundary, front, fighting line; trenches. (see lábang).
Line, boundary, military works of defence; trenches. (see labangán).
Over, above, higher, taller, excelling, exceeding; to surpass, exceed. Nagalabáw sa simbáhan iníng kawáyan. This bamboo is higher than the church. Nalabawán akó níya karón sa kataasón. He is now taller than myself. Ipalabáw ang áton hayáhay sa íla nga bandéra. Put our flag above their banner-or-raise our flag to a greater height than their banner. Si Fuláno labáw sing dungúg sa kay Pédro. N.N. is more famous than Peter. Indì ka magpalabáw. Don't be stuck-up or haughty.
To go over, cross an elevation or height. Naglábaw ang bató sa atóp sang baláy. The stone went over the roof of the house. Nalabáwan sang bóla ang kodál. The ball went over the fence.
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