To wander about, roam, stroll, take a walk. Diín na man siá nagalágaw? Where on earth is he strolling now? Lagáwon ta ang umá. Let us go to, or around, the field. Lagáwan ta ang umá. Let us take a stroll in the field. Malúyag siá maglágaw sa latagón. He likes to wander about in the open fields. (see lagúyaw).
Dim. and Freq. of lágaw. Also: a loafer, vagabond, idle stroller, tramp. (see landólándo, tiyógtiyóg).
A loafer, idler, tramp, hobo, vagabond, rover. See lagáwlágaw.
Slowness; slow; to do slowly, leisurely, one by one, at intervals, with interruptions or pauses. Bagtingá sing lágdà-or-lagdaá ang bágting. Ring the bells slowly, not continuously, with some interval between each stroke or peal. Lagdaí ang minatáy sing bágting. Ring the bells slowly (toll the bell) for the dead person. Lagdaí ang báyò sing búnak kag ugáling tahión mo. First wash the jacket carefully and then sew it. (see lágway, hínay).
To do to excess, go too far, do or go beyond what is intended or required, to overdo, overstep the mark, pass the limits. Naglágdas ang íya paglakát, kay nagtálang siá sa dálan. He went too far, because he missed the road. Indì mo paglagdasón ang ímo paglakát, pagkáon, pagpangabúdlay, etc. Don't walk too far, eat too much, work too hard, etc.
Slowness; to take one's time, be slow, to go easy, take it easy, dilly-dally. Naglágday na ang karabáw, kay nabúdlay. The buffalo has become slow, for it is tired. Lagdayá lang ang ímo buluhatón. Just keep going in performing your duties. Ginlágday gid níya ang íya pagdáro. He did his ploughing at a very leisurely pace. (see lágdà, lágway, hínay, búndul).
Sediment, dross, deposit, lees, dregs sticking to the bottom or sides of a receptacle. Also verb. Nalagdoán ang botílya sang lánggaw. Some dregs of vinegar stuck to the bottle. Tinloí ang botílya sang lágdò. Clean the bottle of the lees (of wine). (see lábud).
Half-cooked, half-raw, underdone, insufficiently prepared; to be underdone, etc. Naglágdos ang kán-on, kay balotanóg gid lang ang paglútò mo. The rice was half-raw, for you did not cook it thoroughly. Indì mo paglagdosón ang tiníg-ang. Don't underdo the rice, (cook it thoroughly). (see bútud, balotanóg, alibútdan).
To be strewn about, lie about in confusion or disorder, be all over the shop or higgledy-piggledy. Nagalághit gid lang dirí ang mga naúg. The clothes are just lying about here higgledy-piggledy. Indì mo paglaghitón (pagilághit) ang ímo mga sángkap. Don't let your things lie about in disorder. Indì mo paglaghitán ang ságwà sang ímo mga halampangánan. Don't leave your playthings lying about the drawing room. (see dúm-ok).
Dim. and Freq. of lághit. Pinalaghítlághit lang níla ang mga síya sa hulút. They put the chairs into the room higgledy-piggledy.
Jangle, discord, cacophony, aloud, inharmonious, harsh, disagreeable, discordant, jarring sound or noise, as of a cracked bell, a broken musical instrument, a croaking voice, etc.: to emit such a dull, inharmonious sound. Ang íya nga tíngug nagalághong. He has a croaking voice. Anó ang ginahalinán sináng lághong? Where does that noise come from? Nalaghongán akó siníng dáyon nga pagbágting sang linggánay. That constant ringing of bells jars upon my ears. Indì mo pagpalaghongón ang ímo tíngug. Don't cultivate a strident voice.
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