(B) To be, become or make long. See lábà id.
A kind of plant.
To cook some kinds of fish, that otherwise would be unpalatable, by first boiling them, then tearing off or shredding the meat, adding various vegetables or spicy ingredients and at last frying the whole mixture in lard with some addition of water or sauce. Labugá ang pági. Cook the pagi-fish by the labúg-method. Nakakáon akó dídto sing linabúg nga bagís. I ate there some shark (cooked in the manner described above).
A kind of beetle (that is very destructive to the branches of the coconut palm, etc.); a leaf-miner. (see bagángan).
Dim. and Freq. of lábug-to be long, etc.
To stir, move about, mix. Kon magság-a ka sang áwang labugáya ánay ang túbig. When you clean out the well, stir the water first. Labugáyi ang káwà sang siménto. Mix the cement in the cauldron. Labugáyon mo ang ápog sing máayo, agúd matúnaw sing saláma. Stir the lime well to dissolve it evenly. (see labutáw).
Connection with, concern, interest, implication, business, relation, having to do with; to be implicated, have a connection with, have to do with, etc. Anó ang lábut mo sinâ? What have you got to do with that? What business is that of yours? Walâ áko sing lábut sinâ. I have nothing to do with that. That does not concern me in the least. Nalábtan (nalabútan) akó sang íla nga kasábà. I was involved in their lawsuit. Palábta siá sang panublíon nínyo. Let him have a share in your inheritance. Ipalábut mo sa íya ang isá ka báhin sang malápad nga dútà. Let him have a part of the extensive grounds. Lábut pa--. Over and above--. Besides--. Apart from--. In addition to--. Waláy lábut nga--. Notwithstanding that--. However--. Though--. (see pahilabút, pasilabút, kalabtánan, úmid, daláhig).
Dim. and Freq. of lábut-connection with, etc.
The inner skin, whitish in colour, of bamboo; the "labútlábut" is as thin as paper and can easily be stript off fresh bamboo split in half; membrane, tissue (whether animal or vegetable).
Mixture, disorder, confusion, agitation; to mix, stir, put one's finger into a liquid, agitate, wade or walk about in water, to disturb. Ginalabutáw mo ang sabáw, ha? Samói, ápang índì mo paglabutawón. You have your fingers in the sauce, heh? Mix it (with your food), but don't put your finger in it. Ang mga bátà nagalabutáw sa túbig. The boys are wading or walking in the water-or-splashing about in the water. Indì mo paglabutawón ang túbig sa batíyà sang mahígkò mo nga tiíl. Don't put your dirty feet into the water in the large wash-basin. Ipalabutáw lang sa mga bátà yanáng danáw. Just let the children play or splash about in that puddle (pool) of water.
Growing well, getting tall; to grow well or tall. Iníng bátà nagalábwak. This child is growing well. Nalabwakán akó sa íya. It seems to me that he is growing tall.
To thin out, dilute, make watery (of liquids). Ginlabyawán níya sing túbig ang tínta. He watered the ink. Labyawí ang almidón. Thin out the starch. Linabyawán ko iníng sópas, kay támà kalapúyut. I put some water into this soup, for it was too thick. Ilábyaw sa sabáw iníng túbig. Put this water into the sauce to thin it out. (see lángyaw, básyaw).
A stroke, slash, cut, flip, flick with something pliable, as a whip, a flexible rod, etc.; to strike, flick, flip, beat, slash, lash, cut; to shake loose, knock down, drive off. Labyogí siá sing makaduhá sang bulunál. Give him two strokes with the whip. Ilábyog sa báka iníng kagíngking. Flick the ox with this bamboo branch. Pinalábyog siá níla sa íya nga palangakoán. They drove him out of office. They procured his removal from office. (see lábiog, lábtik, búnal, hánot, hámpak, lipát).
etc. From laúd-to eat greedily, etc.
To become weak, flat, light or vapid, lose-strength,-flavour,-bouquet. Naglád-ang ang bíno, lánggaw, etc., kay walâ pagsungsungí ang botílya. The wine has lost its flavour, the vinegar has lost its strength, etc., because the bottle is not corked. Naladangán akó siníng serbésa. It seems to me this beer has gone flat. (see táhaw, táb-ang).
Dim. and Freq. of ládag. To stumble-on,-upon,-into.
Dim. and Freq. of ladás. (see lagáwlágaw).
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