etc. From lagás-to pursue, run after.
etc. From lagás-to run after, pursue.
To tear into fibres, strip (hemp, piña, maguey, etc.). Lagsiá ang lánot. Strip the hemp. Lagsií akó sing pínya. Get ready some piña-fibres for me. (see láknit).
Spread here and there, extended, sporadic; to spread, break out in different places (of diseases, revolutions, etc).
To jump, fly off, be propelled, etc. (see lásik, lasíklásik, ágsik, ásang).
A shrill loud sound, high-pitched or strident voice, falsetto; to be strident, shrill, high-pitched, squeaky. Naglágsing na ang íya tíngug. His voice has become shrill. He sings falsetto now. Nalagsingán akó sang íya nga tíngug. He seemed to me to sing falsetto. His voice sounded shrill to me. (see tágsing).
A kind of vine with large, beautiful leaves. It is used as a fish poison for killing or stupefying fish; to stun, stupefy (fish). (see túba).
Brightness of white colour; very white, dazzling white, candent; to be or become dazzling white, etc. Naglágtì na ang íya nga báyò. Her dress has become dazzling white. Nalagtián akó sang íya nga bestído. Her frock appeared to me dazzling white. Lágtì gid ang delárgo níya. His trousers are perfectly white. (see putî).
Tick, click, ticking; to tick, as a watch, to click, as a trigger, etc. Makabatî ikáw sang lágtik sang relóh? Can you hear the ticking of the watch or clock? Ang relóh nagalágtik. The watch is ticking. (see lagátik).
Clink, chink, clang, clank, tinkle, jingle; to tinkle, jingle, clink, chink, clang, clank. Ang súndang kon mahúlug magalágting. If the knife falls down it will clink. Lagtingí silá sing pínggan, agúd magkarí, kay humán na ang panyága. Jingle or clink the plate for them, that they may come, for dinner is ready. Palagtingá ang pínggan, agúd íla mabatián. Clink the plate so that they can hear it. (see tíngting).
Dregs, sediment, settlings, grounds, lees (of liquids, smoking pipes, etc.). Nalagtokán ang ákon sánsoy. My pipe is foul.
Hard, raw, uncooked, said of peas and beans, especially of monggo.
To crack, crackle, emit a sound as of knuckles or joints strained to the snapping point. Nagalágtok ang íya túdlò kon butóngon. His finger cracks, if pulled. (see lagátok id.).
Dim. and Freq. of lágtok. Also a kind of beetle that emits a crackling sound, when touched.
Dark, black (of boots, etc.); dark green, luscious (of leaves, etc.); to be black, luscious, etc. Ang humáy nagalágtom na, kay naulanán. The rice is growing well now (is dark green), for it has had rain. Nalagtomán akó siníng mga tanúm. These plants look luscious to me, appear to me to be in a very flourishing condition. Kon magbakál ka sing panápton nga maitúm, pilíon mo ang malágtom, índì ang mabúdhaw. If you buy black clothes, choose very black ones and not such as are a rusty black. (see dulúm, itúm).
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