A large plate or dish of clay or earthenware used for serving food in, etc. (see bandehádo).
All, everything. This term seems to be of Tagalog origin and is often used in the phrase "bágay sa lahát"-fit for everything, experienced, handy in every way. Siá amó ang táo nga bágay sa lahát. He is a very handy man, fit for any job, accomplished in many ways, an all-round man. (see tanán).
To give a hint or clue, hint at, mention, insinuate, intimate. Lahídi (-íri) siá. Give him a hint.
Dim. and Freq. of láhid. Ginlahídlahídan (-íran) níya akó nga makádto siá buás sa ága sa Ilóngílong. He threw out a hint to me that tomorrow morning he is going to Iloilo. (see palahídláhid, itínítin).
Ripe, mature, seasoned; to ripen, be ripe (of nuts especially). May lubí ka nga láhin? Have you any ripe coconuts? Nagaláhin na ang mga lubí dirâ. The coconuts there are ripening, maturing. Iníng lubí nalahínan na sang íya mga búnga. This coconut-palm has ripe fruit.
(H) Softened, made flexible by warming. See halúb. Also: swollen, suffused with blood or the like. Lahób gid ang písngi níya nga tinámpà ni Fuláno. His cheek that was struck by N.N. is swollen.
(H) To warm and soften, make flexible or pliable by heat. Lahóba ang búyò. Soften the búyò-leaf by warming it. (see hálub id.).
A joke, jest, fun; to joke, jest, make fun, fool, play with, quip. Indì ka maglahóg sa mga butáng nga nahanungúd sa relihión. Don't crack jokes about things pertaining to religion. Lahogá lang siá. Tell him some jokes. Indì mo akó paglahogán sang ímo hámbal. Don't talk to me in jest. A, índì ka magpáti sinâ, kay linahóg gid lang inâ ni Fuláno. Oh, don't believe that, for N.N.-only said it in joke,-was only joking. (see tíaw-to tease, ridicule).
Dim. and Freq. of lahóg. Ginalahóglahógan níla ang polítika. They are making fun of politics. (see tiáwtíaw).
A jester, clown, buffoon.
To continue, go farther than intended, do moreover or besides, do something more, continue to work on some other job, etc. Ang túyò ko nga makádto sa Ogtóng lámang, ápang naglahón akó sa Ilóngílong. I had the intention of going only as far as Oton, but I went on to Iloilo. Ginlahón mo pa gid sang sadól ang isá ka báhin sang pamulákan? Did you really hoe over one more garden-plot? Kon matápus ang ímo buluhatón lahoní akó. When you have finished your work, assist me in mine. (see dáyon; N.B. The other lahón (to roast corn in the husks) is probably the same term and can be explained by the circumstance that it implies a continuous process, the corn being plucked and roasted at once without removing the husks).
To roast corn on the cob over live coals. Lahoná or lánha ang maís. Roast the corn on the cob. Maís nga linahón. Corn roasted in the husks. Linahonán níya akó sing maís, kay nasáyran níya nga ginapasulabí ko ang maís nga linahón sa binóog kag tinanók. She roasted some corn on the cob for me, because she knew that I prefer it prepared in this way to the ordinary roasted or boiled corn. (see bóog, íhaw-to roast shucked corn; tanók-to boil in water corn, bananas, etc.).
An opening, outlet, vent, passage through, exit or egress (on the other side); to have an opening through or an outlet on the other side. Ang búhò nga iní may lahóng sa pihák sang baláy. This hole has an outlet behind the house. Iníng gíab sa padér nagalahóng sa dálan. This hole in the wall passes through to the road. Ang ibán nga mga búhò índì lahóng, índì maglahóng or walâ sing lahóng. Some holes have no outlet on the other side. (see lápus, lapús).
See lahón-to continue, etc.
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