To mingle incongruous ideas, talk inconsistently, ramble. Ang búang nagalákot sang íya hámbal. The fool's talk is rambling-or-A maniac or lunatic talks about incongruous things. (see sála).
(Sp. lacre) Sealing-wax; to seal with, or put on, sealing-wax. Timbrehí ang lákre. Stamp the sealing-wax. Lakrehí ang putús. Put some sealing-wax on the envelope. (see alákre).
Ten thousand. Isá ka gatús ka láksà. One million. Duhá ka láksà. Twenty thousand.
To overstep, transgress, trespass, encroach, exceed, surpass, go beyond the limit. Maningúhà ka gid, agúd ang ímo nga kinitáan magláksam sang ímo nga hinguyáng. Do your best, and see that your income exceeds your expenses. Nagláksam siá sang ákon dútà. He encroached or trespassed on my land. He took part of my field. Indì mo paglaksamón (-án) ang talámnan sang ibán. Don't trespass on another's field. Don't appropriate fields belonging to another. (see sabán, hámham, lámlam, sakáb, sakám, sáklam).
To trespass, etc. See láksam.
Deer. See lágsaw.
From lakát-to walk, etc.; also from lakót-to mix.
Dim. and Freq. of láktaw. Indì ka maglaktáwláktaw sang ibán nga mga minítlang, kóndì basáha sing lángkoy kag maáthag. Don't pass over some syllables, but read in a continuous and distinct manner. (see lukhô-lúkhò, luthôlúthò).
A short cut, bee-line; to take a short cut, do something in less than ordinary time or with less effort. May láktud nga dálan pakádto dídto? Is there a short cut to there? Laktudá (-urá) lang (ang paglakát mo). Simply take the short cut-or-Make a bee-line for it. Laktudí lang ang umá. Go straight over the field. Sugíri akó sing láktud sang marágtas sang ímo kabúhì. Tell me in short the history of your life.
A short-cut, straight road, bee-line. Kon may laktúdan laktudón gid náton ang paglakát. If there is a short-cut, let us take it.
To cheat, deceive, defraud. See lakón.
To raise, lift (the foot preparatory to walking, etc). Lakwatá-or-ilákwat ang tiíl mo kag maglakát. Lift your foot and walk. (see hákwat-to lift loads, etc.).
(H) To weave, make wickerwork. Laláha ang kálò, amákan, etc. Weave the hat, the bamboo-mat, etc. Laláhi akó sing tátlo ka bílog nga malíndog. Weave for me three large rice-containers (of bamboo). Kahibaló ka maglála? Can you make wickerwork? (see rára).
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