Place where something is perfected. Lalantípan sang púlong. An academy of language and literature; philology. (lántip).
(B) Mud, slush, soft mire: to be or become muddy, miry. Naglalaó ang dálan, kay madámol ang ulán. The road has become muddy, because there has been a heavy rain. Mabúdlay ang paglakát kon madálum ang lalaó. It is tiresome to walk, when the slush is deep. (see lúnang).
What is to be, or should be, trodden or trampled upon; despicable, contemptible, unworthy of consideration. (see lápak).
To tear, pull, drag off by force (vines, creepers, etc.). Maglalás ka sang balágon-or-lalasá (lálsa) ang balágon. Tear off the vine. Lalasí ang bató sang kadéna de amór. Tear the kadena de amor away from the stone. Ginlalás gid lámang sang mga buyóng ang matahúm nga mga kortína sa balatonán. The robbers pulled down by force the beautiful curtains in the reception-room. Ilalás sa atóp nga kógon iníng kawáyan nga may singít. Pull down the cogon-roof with this bamboo that has a hook attached to it. (see káskas).
Vegetable. See ulutanón, turulán-on, útan, láswa.
To be canned or preserved in tins; fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, etc. ready, fit or suitable for canning. (see láta).
Deep mourning, sorrow, grief; to wear mourning (dress), wear black; be in mourning over the death of some near relative, be in black or in widow's weeds. May laláw siá-or-nagalaláw siá. He is mourning. Indì siá magsáut kay laláw níya-or-nagalaláw siá. He does not dance, because he is in mourning. Sín-o ang ginalalawán mo? For whom are you wearing black (or mourning) dress? (see lúto).
(H) Field or pasture where cattle, etc. are allowed to roam freely or are tied with a long tether; meadow, grass-land, grazing ground; a place or island far away. (see láwig).
Taste, savour, flavour, tang; ingredient, element; to taste, savour. Nakalalím akó sang kanámit sang úbas. I tasted some delicious grapes. Ipalalím ko sa íya iníng bibíngka. I shall let him taste this bibinca (a kind of rice-cake). Walâ siá sing lalím. He is an insipid, annoying, disagreeable fellow. Ang amó nga mga lalím sang áton pagkáon nagapabákud sang láwas. Those elements in our food give strength to the body. (see dímdim, sámsam, sagámsam, idilímdim, panákot).
To disobey, contravene, leave unobserved, pay no heed to, violate, transgress, infringe, be insubordinate; to gainsay, disregard. Indì ka maglális sang sógò sang ímo ginikánan. Do not disobey the orders of your parents. Indì mo paglalíson ang gintúgon níya sa ímo. Don't neglect to carry out the order he entrusted to you. Ginlális níya ang íya agálon-or-ginlális níya ang sógò sang íya agálon. He paid no heed to the command of his master. Kamatuóran nga dílì malális--. A truth that cannot be gainsaid (disregarded)--. (see lápas, lípas:, himutíg).
From lalás.
See lalúd, lábud, lágdò.
(H) To wound, injure seriously, cripple. Nalalúng siá sa pangawáyan. He was wounded in the war. Indì mo paglalungón ang karabáw sang ímo binángon. Don't injure the buffalo with your bolo. Ang pagawáyan amó ang ginalalungán sang madámù nga mga mangangawáy. On the field of battle many soldiers are wounded. Ang mga lalúng íla gindalá sa bulúlngan. They carried the wounded to the hospital (see pílas).
(B) Too much, excessive, immoderate, extravagant, beyond measure; to be excessive, do something to excess. Indì ka magpalám-ag sang hámbal. Don't talk too much. Lám-ag kabúg-at iní sa ákon. This is too heavy for me. Nalam-agán akó sinâ. That is too much for me. I have had more than enough of that. Ginpalam-agán akó níya sang buyáyaw. He surpassed himself in swearing at me. (see támà, lakás, masiádo, dúro).
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