Dim. of lagô. Also: To wriggle or writhe in mud, dirt, etc. Nagalagôlagô gid lang ikáw sa hígkò. You look very dirty. You are covered with mud, dirt, soot or the like.
Worm, dew worm. (see lalágo).
See lagónglágong.
See lagóng-lagóngan.
Depression, hole, mud-hole, worn out parts in roads, etc. (see libaóng, linggáhub, linggálhub, danáw).
A kind of large fly.
Dim. of lagóng. Also: Double-chinned, very fat; the folds of fat around the neck and chin of very stout persons; dewlap, wattle. (see labít-lábit).
One who is very fat or has a double chin, etc. (see lagónglágong).
Depression, etc. See lagóndo. Also: difficult, tiresome, rough (of roads or the like).
Dim. and Freq. of lágot-to creak, crack.
Joint, junction, articulation (of bones, etc.). (see lutálutahán).
A splash, the noise made by a liquid being spilled or poured out with some force; to splash. Ang túbig nga ginbásia mo naglágpak sa bató. The water you poured out splashed on the stone. (see lagápak).
To cook meat by roasting it over coals or a low fire, then shredding or tearing it into strips and serving it mixed with vinegar or water and chili. Lagpangá ang manók. Prepare the chicken according to the lágpang-method. Lagpangí akó sing kárne. Cook some meat for me in the lágpang-manner. Nakatiláw akó kaína sing linágpang. A short while ago I tasted meat prepared in lágpang-fashion.
To guess, conjecture, infer, suppose, assume, surmise, divine, believe, dare say, think. Lagpatá kon anó ang sulúd sang kamót ko. Guess what is inside my hand. Indì akó makalágpat kon anó ang mahanabû. I cannot think what is going to happen. Nalagpatán níya ang maáyo nga patubás siníng túig. His conjecture that this year would bring a good harvest was right. He happened to have a good crop this year. (see máiom, pakót, bántà).
Riddle, puzzle; to play at riddles, give riddles to solve. (see lágpat).
To stick, adhere to, as mud, paste, dust, etc. Ang pintúra nagkalágpik (nalágpik) sa íya nga sárwal. Ang íya nga sárwal nalagpikán sang pintúra. The paint stuck to his trousers. (see dokót).
(B) The spring of a trap; a spring-trap, gin, snare with a spring-noose, springe; to wedge in, squeeze tight, jam, compress, pinch, flatten, catch, squash, crush. Sang pagtakúp níya sang baúl nalágpit ang ákon kamót. When he put the lid on the trunk, my hand was jammed. Andam ka, agúd índì malágpit ang ímo túdlò sang ganháan. Look out (Be careful), lest your finger should be caught in the door. Lagpitá ang tabákò. Press the tobacco-leaves smooth. Butangán mo sing lágpit ang báboy. Set a spring-trap for the pig. (see ipít, ipíip, lígpit).
Slap, clap, slam, flop, noise of a falling book, board, etc.; to flop, bang, etc. to the floor. Naglágpok ang tulún-an sa tulungtúngan. The books banged on the table. Indì ka magpalágpok sang tápì-or-índì mo pagpalagpokón ang tápì. Don't slam the board down. (see lagápok).
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