From samóg.
To happen often, be frequent. See masamí.
To conceive. See panámkon.
A mixture of; mixed, mingled with, blended, tempered. Ginabátyag ko dirí ang makalulúyag kag samô nga kaámyon gíkan sa mabulákon nga kaúmhan. I enjoy here the delightful and mingled odours from the flowery fields. Ang íya kasubô may diótay nga samô nga kalípay. There is (was) some slight consolation in her grief.
(B) To be, become, or make wet, moist, damp, sodden, soggy, to moisten. Nasamóg kang tún-og ang mga ulús ko. (Nahumúg sang tún-og ang ákon mga panápton). My clothes were damp with dew. Sámga kang túbig ang bugás nga borokbókon. (Humóga sang túbì ang bugás nga bolokbokón). Moisten with water the hulled rice that is to be crushed to powder (pulp). (see hún-og, humóg, húmog, hám-og, húpug, etc.).
To disturb, interfere with, meddle in, distract, be troublesome. Indì ka magsámok sa ákon nga nagasulát. Indì mo pagsamókan ang ákon pagsulát. Don't disturb me while I am writing. Don't distract me in my writing. (see túblag).
To speak indistinctly, clip one's words, pronounce the last vowel-sounds short in almost every word, pronounce defectively. Indì mo pagsamotón ang paghámbal. Don't clip your words. Samót ang panghámbal na kanákon. (Búklas ang panghámbal níya sa ákon). He spoke to me with a very defective pronunciation. Indì kaw maghámbal ti samót nga pitô, kóndì pitó. (Indì mo pagbuklasón ang "pitô", kóndì imítlang mo nga "pitó"). Don't say "pitô", but pronounce "pitó".
The door or gate of the innermost part of a fish-corral or fish-trap called "punút".
To haft or hilt a knife, sword, etc.; to set the point of a lance, or the like, in a shaft; to load a boat to its full capacity; to drive in a knife, etc. up to the hilt; furnished with a blade or with an iron point; loaded to full capacity.
A kind of vegetable bitter in taste and resembling in shape a small cucumber. (see amargóso).
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