To be hit accidentally. Andam ka, kay básì masálwan ka sang binángon, bató, bóla, etc. Look out, for you may be hit by the bolo, stone, ball, etc. (see salô).
To transfer, transfuse. See sália.
(B) See sángka.
To be firmly secured, fixed, attached to, settled down; to have a firm hold or grip on. Ang baláyan nasám-ang na sa halígi. The girder is now firmly secured to the post. Indì na siá magpaúlì dirí, kay nakasám-ang siá dídto sa maáyo nga lugár. He will not come back here any more, for he is settled there in a good place. Ipasám-ang-or-pasam-angá ang kruz sa ibábaw sang simbáhan. Fasten or secure the cross well on the top of the church. (see samál, pág-on, líg-on).
Equal, peer, compeer, match; to equalize, smooth out, be or make equal, level, even, smooth. Wa'áy sáma. Without peer, unequaled, unsurpassed, peerless, unrivalled. Nasáma (nagkasáma, nagkasaláma) silá nga tanán. They were all equal,-became all equal, level, etc. (see saláma).
To injure seriously, maim, cause an injury, wound, harm, hurt. Nasamáran (Nasamádan) siá. He was seriously injured. Nasámad (nagkasámad, nagkasalámad) silá nga tanán. They were all injured (hurt, wounded). Sín-o ukón anó ang nakasámad sa ímo? Who or what caused you the injury? (see dáut, pílas, hálit).
Having a firm hold or grasp, resting secure; to grasp or hold on firmly to; touch, come in contact with (accidentally); to meet, encounter, chance or happen upon, come to pass as a coincidence. Sámla (Samalá) ang pagúyat mo sang báso, kay kon dílì makapalús. Hold the glass firmly, for otherwise it may slip off. Samál pa ang pagtángday sang págbo sa baláyan. The rafter is still resting securely on the girder. Samál gid ang íya pagúyat sang píspis. Ginpasamál gid níya ang íya kamót sa píspis. He got a firm hold of the bird with his hand. Nasamál níya ang píspis. He (accidentally) touched the bird with his hand. Sang ámon pagkádto dídto nasamál námon ang íla tábad. When we went there it just came to pass that they were having a feast (banquet). (see kibít-to be supported insecurely, etc.; sám-ang, kapút).
(B) Tamarind. See sámbag, samlági.
To meet, encounter, come-, light-, upon. Sín-o ang nasamálang mo kahápon sa kalsáda? Whom did you meet on the road yesterday? Indì ka magági dirâ, kay masamálang rao áyhan ang mga buyóng. Indì kaw magági dián, hay básì masamálang mo ang mga buyóng. Don't go that way, for you may encounter the robbers. (see sumálang id.; sugatâ).
A young cock, cockerel. (see sumaláyhaw id.).
Dim. and Freq. of sámay. Also: lined, striped, streaked, mixed, checkered.
To accost or address again, become reconciled to, renew good relationship after a quarrel. Nagasamaya-*ánay na silá nga duhá. The two of them are on speaking terms again. Magsamayaáy kamó. Get reconciled to one another. Samayáa siá. Conciliate him. Be reconciled with him.
A diagonal (slanting) cut, bevel, lip, as on that side of a bayóng (bamboo-tube) where the water is poured out; to bevel, make a lip or bevel. Sombaí ang bayóng. Make a lip on the bayóng. May sámbà na ang bág-o nga bayóng? Has the new bayóng a bevel at its opening?
To gratify fully, make content, satisfy. Kon índì mo masámba ang íla lúyag amó inâ ang halinán sang íla lilibákon. If you don't gratify their wish they will begin to find fault with you. Sambahá nga dáan ang kabatáan, agúd índì na magsámok karón kon magkáon ang mga tigúlang. Feed the children well beforehand, so that they may not be troublesome when the grown-ups take their meal.
See kámbad, sámbud, balámbud, sabúd-to encircle, twist round, etc.
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