(Sp. tocar) To play-, perform on-a musical instrument; to strike (of a clock); to throb, beat (of the pulse, etc.). Maálam siá magtokár sang biolín, piáno, klarinéte, etc. He knows how to play the violin, piano, clarinette, etc. Nagatokár pa ang íya púlso? Is his pulse still beating? Ang relóh nagtokár na sang ikáp-at ka táknà. The clock has struck four (the fourth hour). (see kúskus, bágting, pamídyà, kubákubá).
class="hw">a, (Sp. tocayo,-a) Namesake, one that has the same name as another. (see sangáy).
From tokób-to tear with the teeth, pounce upon, etc.
To catch stealthily, approach something softly, unobserved, unnoticed and then grasp or clutch it with a swift movement. Tokloá siá. Approach him unobserved and then grasp him firmly. Tinóklò níya ang píspis. He crept up to the bird and caught it.
An upright (vertical) prop or support for a floor, a scaffolding, etc.; to prop up, support. Butangí sing tokó ang baláy mo. Tókwi (Tokohí) ang salúg sang ímo baláy. Put some props under the floor of your house. (see súlay-a leaning support).
See tukúb-to pounce upon, etc.
To erect, establish, etc. See túkud.
A long pole, a punt-pole for propelling a boat in shallow water; to use such a pole for propelling a boat, to pole, punt. Tokoní ang sakayán. Pole-, Punt-, the boat.
To afford, stand, be willing to pay (a high price, etc.). See tukús.
A term used in calling a dog; to call a dog by shouting: "tókoy". Tokóya ang idô. Call the dog.
Dim. and Freq. of tókoy.
A question, interrogation, catechizing, inquiry, query, interpellation; to question, ask a question, catechize, interrogate, interpellate, inquire, demand. Toksoá siá sa nahanungúd sang íya pagpangabúdlay. Question him with regard to his work. Ask him about his work. Toksoón ko ikáw karón kon nakasaoló ka sang mga tóksò kag sabát. Presently I shall examine you to know whether you have learned by heart the questions and answers. (see pamángkot, pangutána, pakiána, pakisáyod).
Question-book; catechism. Toksoá siá sang mga tóksò sa toksóan. Ask him some questions from the catechism. (see tóksò).
Rust, oxidization; to rust, be rusty, become oxidized or coated with rust. Nagtóktok ang íya binángon. His bolo-rusted,-has become rusty.
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