Careless, etc. See tarásak, patarásak.
To be kind to, deal gently with, to stroke, touch gently or softly, particularly applied to stroking an animal in order to accustom it to the touch of man and make it tame. Tiráytiráyi ang báboy, kabáyo, karabáw, etc. Stroke the pig, horse, buffalo, etc. gently (softly). (see apóhap, kálot, paayónáyon, dálò).
To become senseless, unconscious, insensible, torpid, stiff and lifeless (through a sudden blow, shock, etc.). Nagtirî gid lang siá, kay linampusán ni Fuláno. He fell down stiff and lifeless on being hit by N.N. Karón patirión ta ikáw, kon índì ka maghípus. I'll knock the life out of you, unless you keep quiet. (see pálak, oróyóroy, tingâ, uráhab).
Dim. and Freq. of tírik. To swing round, sway to and fro, oscilliate, rotate, turn round, whirl round.
(B) A scraper, scooper, especially one used for scooping out the coconut meat from the shell. (see tililád id.).
(B) See tilipón-típon-to gather, assemble.
A suit (of clothes). See térno.
A throw, cast; a kind of game with sea-shells, stones, etc. often played by boys; a trifle, a small or worthless object fit to be thrown away; to throw, pitch, fling, hurl, cast (away). Ginbalígyà níya ang íya baláy sa tírong. He sold his house for a trifle (for a song). Ginbílang níya inâ nga isá lang ka tírong. He considered that worthless (of no value). Nagahámpang silá sang tírong. Nagatírong silá sang búskay. They are playing with sea-shells. (see tídong).
Stomach, bread-basket, life, etc. (see tinísdak, hinurángus, ginháwa, kabúhì, solóksolók, gináhab, tinimótimohán, pangabuhián).
(Sp. tiza, teja) Tile, brick.
(B) To fly off far, be hit or knocked to a great distance. Natíslan ang búnga kang dalógdog, hay ginbálang ko kang bató. (Nakibítan ang búnga sang dalógdog, kay ginhabúy ko sing bató). The nut of the dalógdog-shrub flew off to a great distance, when I hit it with a stone. Patísli ang dalógdog. (Pakibíti ang dalógdog). Knock the dalógdog-nut (fruit) far. (see táyog).
Stiffness, unbendableness, rigidity, inflexibility; to be or become hard, stiff, unbendable, inflexible, not easily pliable. Nagtískug ang ákon páha nga pánit sa ínit. My leather belt has become hard in the sun. Nagapatískug siá sang íya tangkúgò. He is stiffening his neck. Kon may bág-o gánì siá nga panápton nga sóklà dáyon níya patískug (patolotískug) sang íya líog. Whenever she wears a new silk dress she stiffens her neck i.e. she is-stiff,-constrained,-very formal,-giving herself airs, or the like. (see báskug).
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