Every Sunday. Nagasímba siá sing dolodomíngo. He goes to church every Sunday. (dorodomíngo id.).
Quarrel, ill-temper, cause or origin of a heated discussion or quarrel, explosion; irritating, exasperating, exciting, causing one's blood to boil. (dógsan).
(H) Liable to be-adhered,-clung-,-stuck-, to. Mga butáng nga dolóktan sang kaláyo. Things that are-easily kindled or set on fire,-combustible,-burnable. (see dokót).
To separate, set apart, limit, delimit, demarcate, set bounds to, define, circumscribe. Dolóna ang maís sa humáy. Separate the corn from the rice. Dolóni sing kawáyan ang ákon umá sa umá sang ibán. Make a bamboo paling between my field and the field of others. Idólon ko iníng mga kásla sa ákon hardín. I will use these casla-plants to make a boundary round my garden. (see bulág, sipák).
To stick in the throat, etc. See dohól. Nadónlan siá sang síkag sang ísdà. A small fish-bone stuck in his throat.
Gift, present, offering, boon, grant, donation, favour; to make a gift of, give a present, bestow upon, present with, offer, proffer, tender, donate. Sín-o ang nagdólot sinâ sa ímo? Who gave you that as a present? Idólot mo sa íya iníng pínya. Offer him this pine-apple. Gindolótan níya akó sing madámù nga mga páhò. He made me a gift of many mangoes. Anó nga dólot ang nabáton mo? What kind of present did you receive? Dolóti sing búlak ang Mahál nga Bírhen. Offer some flowers to the Blessed Virgin. Ang kalasálon nadolótan sing madámù nga mga butáng. The marriage-couple were given many presents. (see hátag, regálo, túgrò, taó, bugáy).
Penetrate, pierce, etc. See dulút.
(Sp. dulce) Sweetmeat, dessert; preserved fruit, jam, jelly, sweet, candy. (Any sugared dish may be called a "dólse"; see matám-is, marímis, hingúndang, hinungá).
A large basin, cauldron, etc. See dalwásì id.
(Sp. domingo) Sunday, the Lord's day.
(Sp. domino) Dominoes; to play the game of dominoes; domino, a hooded robe worn for disguising or masquerading purposes.
(Sp. don) Don, squire, esquire, Sir. Equivalent to Mr. in English, but used only before Christian names, as Don Alfonso.
From doón-to mark, etc. (dún-an, id.).
A kind of small bird.
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