Unreasonable, unconscionable, without proportion, for any trivial or paltry reason. Diót-dakû mangákig siá. He is apt to get wild-for any trivial matter,-without any apparent reason.
(H) A little, trifle, morsel, snack; small, little, tiny, wee, scant, meagre, bit, petty, diminutive, few; to diminish, decrease, lessen, be or become small, etc. Nagdiótay iníng bánwa. This town has become small. Diotáya ang pagbutáng sing kalámay sa kapé. Put only a little sugar into the coffee. Diótay man lang ang mga táo nga nagtalámbong. There were only a few people in attendance. Diótay nga butáng. A small, trifling or unimportant matter. Diótay nga táo. A small or uninfluential man. Diótay na lang --. Almost, nearly, close upon, well nigh, all but --. Nadiotáyan gid lang siá (sa paghulúg) nga mahúlug sa busáy. He nearly fell into the abyss. Gindiótay níla ang baláy. They made the house smaller. Ginpakadiótay níla inâ. They made light of it. They considered it a trivial matter. (see dítik, diót, dítay, díting, gamáy, tikî, isót).
Half a centavo. Tátlo ka diótay. One centavo and a half.
Dim. of diót, diótay. Slight, rather little, somewhat small, etc.
(Sp. de paja) Of straw, made of straw. Kálò nga dipáha. A straw-hat. (see dagámi).
(Perhaps from the Sp. deparar) To attend to, see to, look after, pay attention to, take notice of; make arrangements or preparations for. Walâ siá magdipára sinâ or walâ níya pagdiparáha inâ. He has not attended to it, has made no arrangements or preparations for it. Diparáha sing maáyo ang íya guyá kon kilála mo ukón índì. Look well at his face to see whether you know him or not. (see ripára, tátap, túluk, hímos, híwat).
(Sp. diferencia) Difference, dissimilarity, dissimilitude; controversy, quarrel. (see kalaínláin, kalaínlaínan, ginakatuháyan, súay, báis, bagâ, bángig, áway).
(Sp. diploma) Diploma; bull, patent, credential, title, testimonial. (see título, kalig-onán, pasálig, pamatúod).
See dípias.
(H) Rather well to do, but not rich; having a moderate living or income. Inanák siá sang isá ka panimaláy nga may dirâdirâ. He is the scion of a rather well-to-do family. (see dawâ-dawâ).
Fear, apprehension, nervousness, perturbation, trepidation, timidity; to be apprehensive, in trepidation or fear, to wince, shrink, flinch, blench, tremble. May dírham siá or ginadírham siá. He is afraid, apprehensive, in trepidation. Nagadírham ang íya ginháwa (solóksolók). He is nervous, afraid. Ginadírham akó kon mangilát. I am afraid of lightning. (see hádluk, kúlbà).
(B) Not good, of a bad or inferior kind, left or rejected, (as things left over after the good ones have been chosen). Indì ka magbakál sing mga páhò nga diringóyngoy. Don't buy left-over mangoes.
(Sp. rosca) Screw.
To push, jostle, shove, etc. See dás-og id. Nagadis-ogánay ang mga bátà sa bánkò. The boys are jostling each other on the bench. (Dis-ogí, idís-og-das-ogí, idás-og).
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