(B) Thorn, prick, prickle, barb, spike, spine, point; to prick, scatter-, strew with-, thorns, etc. Nadógi ang tiíl ko. My foot was pricked by a thorn. Sín-o ang nagdógi sang dálan? Who strewed the road with thorns? Who scattered thorns on the road? Gindogíhan (gindógian) níla ang kodál sang pamulákan. They put thorns in the garden-fence. Iníng kamúnsil idógi ko sa dálan sa binít sang ákon umá, agúd índì masúdlan sang mga háyup. These camunsel-branches with their prickles I will put on the road near the edge of my field, so that animals cannot enter. (see súyak, dalíngag, tunók).
(B) Thorny, prickly, spinous, barbed, bristling with thorns. Dogíhon nga kahóykahóy, dálan, bakólod, etc. A thorny shrub, a road strewn with thorns, a hill covered with thorns, etc. (see tunukón).
A sow's bed or litter; to build or make a sow's litter. Nagdógmon ang báboy sa idálum sang ámon baláy. The sow made her bed underneath our house. Gindogmonán sang báboy ang idálum sang tambóbo. The sow made her litter under the granary.
To nudge, touch slightly, stroke, play with as in flirting or the like. Indì kamó magdógsing. Don't nudge each other. Ang mga bátà nagadógsing. The children are nudging each other in play. (see káblit, kolokáblit, kúhit).
A stork-like bird; a kind of tall heron, crane. (dúgwak id.).
To pass, reach, tender, offer, hand, give into another's hand (from some considerable distance or whenever the receiver has a difficulty to reach, or cannot reach, what he needs, himself). Idóhol sa ákon ang súndang. Pass me the knife. Kon dídto ka na gánì sa sangá sang kamúnsil idóhol ko sa ímo ang singít. When you are there on the branch of the camunsel-tree I will hand you the pole and hook. Dohóli akó sing pínggan, biníklan, etc. Hand me a plate, a piece of split bamboo, etc. Ginadohólan níya ang pánday nga árà dirâ sa hágdan sang martílyo. He is handing up the hammer to the carpenter there on the ladder. Dawáta ang tulún-an nga ginadóhol sa ímo. Take the book that is held out to you. Pumalapít ka sing diótay, agúd makadóhol akó sa ímo sang lánsang. Come a little nearer that I may be able to hand you the nail. (see túnghol, hátag, entregár).
To stick in the gullet, obstruct the passage in the throat; an obstruction or something sticking in the oesophagus. May dohól siá or ginadólhan siá. He has something sticking in his throat. Nadólhan siá sang (sing) bokóg. A large fish-bone stuck in his gullet. Ginadohól ang íya ginháwa. His breathing is impeded or obstructed. He breathes with great difficulty. (see dolón, dulún).
To press-, force-, wedge-, slip-, plug-, sandwich-, in between, to introduce, thrust in, elbow one's way in. Idókdok iníng líbro sa mga líbro sa estánte. Wedge this book in among the books in the book-case. Dokdokí sing búlak sang búlak ang ímo gwáb. Plug some cotton into your hollow tooth. Sang ámon pándut madámù gid nga mga táo ang nagtalámbong nga daw índì ka makadókdok sa simbáhan. At our feast-day very many people attended, so that it looked as if you could not elbow your way into the church or that you could scarcely get into the church. Gutúk na iníng trak, índì ka na kadókdok. This truck is full; you cannot squeeze in any more. (see sóksok, dútdut, lótlot).
See dukô-to bow-, incline-, the head.
To knuckle, strike-, push-, jerk-, punish-, with the knuckles. Dokolá siá. Knuckle him. Dokolí siá sa íya tangkúgò. Knuckle him on the nape of his neck. Andam ka, kay kon íya ikáw makítà dokolón ka gid níya. Be on your guard, for if he sees you, he will knuckle you.
Dim. and Freq. of dokól. Ang ámon sakristán maábtik gid magdokóldokól sa mga akólito nga nagsayúp. Our sacristan is an adept at knuckling acolythes that make mistakes.
To show signs of life, move or push against the sides of the womb, applied to embryoes. Nagadokóldókol ang bátà sa tiyán sang íya ilóy. The child is moving in the womb of its mother.
To stick, adhere to, etc. See dukót.
To walk with a stoop. See dúkoy.
(B) To advance upon, draw near, close in upon, approach, march upon, come to close quarters, attack, assault, assail. Doksolí siá. Pitch into him. Attack him. Ang mga soldádo nga nagakontrahánay nagadoksolánay na. The opposing soldiers are now coming to close quarters, are now advancing against each other. Kon may kinahánglan ka sa íya dumúksol ka, índì ka magkahádluk. If you want him, approach him, don't be afraid. (see palapít, túlus, sál-ot, soróso, saróso).
From dokót-to stick to.
(Sp. doctor) Doctor, physician, medical man, practitioner, professor, learned man, one who has received a degree from an university; wiseacre, a would-be wise person. (see manugbúlung, manginalámon).
(Sp. documento) Document, paper, deed, record. (see kalig-onán).
(H) To lose, etc. See dúlà.
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