Honour, glory, bliss, happiness; to be in bliss, enjoy glory, felicity or happiness. Ang maáyo nga mga bátà amó ang himáyà sang mga ginikánan. Good children are the glory of their parents. Nagahimáyà silá karón kay nakadaúg sa kasábà. They are quite happy now, for they have won the lawsuit. Maghimáyà ka. Be happy (blessed).-or-Enjoy bliss or felicity. (see kalípay).
Scale (of a fish, etc.); to scale, strip or clear of scales, scrape off the scales; to see, have a look at, examine. Nagahímbis siá sang ísdà. He is scraping off the scales of the fish. Himbisí ang ísdà. Scale the fish. Ihímbis akó ánay siníng bángrus. Kindly scale this bangrus-fish for me. Ginahimbisán (ginapanghimbisán) sang mga ginikánan ang táo nga buút mangasáwa sa íla bátà. The parents are scrutinizing the man that wants to marry their daughter.
To assemble, gather, collect, foregather, come together. Ang mga pamatán-on kon gáb-i gánì nga masánag ang búlan nagahímbon sa kinurúsan sang dálan. The young people on moonlight nights come together at the cross-roads. Himboná silá sa baláy. Gather them together in the house. Himboní akó sing duhá ka púlò ka manganganí, kay ipaáni ko sa íla ang ákon alányon. Gather for me twenty rice-harvesters, for I will get them to reap my rice crop. (see típon, dúguk, hinúbonhúbon, ímpon, talampúyuk).
To feel, touch, pass one's hand or finger over, fumble, finger, handle. Himíli siá sa úlo kon anó ang kaínit níya. Feel his head, how hot it is. Himíla ang hénero kon maáyo. Feel the cloth to see whether it is good. Indì ka maghímil sa ákon. Don't touch me. Ginhímil sang manugbúlung ang íya nga púlso. The doctor felt his pulse. Hinimílan siá sang manughílot sa ágtang. The masseur massaged his forehead. (see híkap, tándog).
To make, do, act, perform an act, deed or work, execute, accomplish. Indì mahímò inâ. That is impossible-or-that cannot be done. Ginhímò níya iní. He did (made) this. Walâ mo paghimóa ang ákon nga sinógò. You have not executed my order. Ginhimóan akó níya sing maláin. He injured me-or-did me some wrong-or-harmed me. Pagahimóon ko gid ang ímo nga túgon, bisán mabúdlay ang trabáho. I will surely carry out your order, even if the work is tiresome. Makahímò ikáw sinâ? Can you do that? (see búhat).
To get ready, prepare, see to, look after, make arrangements for, get in shape. Himósa ang panyága, ang kasangkápan, ang mga tulún-an, etc. Get dinner ready, see to the equipment or tools, look after the books, etc. Himósi akó sing panihápon. Prepare supper for me. Ihímos akó sang ákon hulút. Put my room in order. (see híko, híwat).
Plentiful, in full bloom or swing, flourishing, in the pink of condition; to thrive, flourish, prosper, run well, be in full bloom or swing, make progress, be prosperous. Nagahimosagâ ang íya edád. He is in his prime. Nagahimosagâ ang íya nga komérsyo, pangabúhì, palangitán-an, etc. His business is running well, his life is prosperous, he earns much, etc. Nagahimosagâ na liwán ang pangolerá. Cholera is again on the increase-or-causing great havoc. Naghimosagâ ang íya nga kapaláran. His condition was prosperous-or-Fate smiled on him. (see hamungáyà, dagáyà, bugánà, abúnda, etc.).
Perfect, complete, faultless, exact, precise; to perfect, bring to perfection, etc. Naghímpit ang íya pagginawî sa koléhyo. His manners have become perfect at college. Himpitón mo ang ímo pagsulát. Make your writing perfect-or-Try to write a very good hand. Ihimpit mo akó sang ákon sulát sa Sényor Obíspo. Please see that my letter to the Bishop is perfect. Nagapahímpit siá karón sang íya nga pagtoón. He is now adding the finishing stroke to his studies. Nahimpitán akó siní. This seems perfect to me. (see lántip, búg-os, sampáton).
To pant for breath, gasp, breathe hard (as one tired out). Sang pagtokád níya sa búkid nagdúlug kag naghímpok siá sing makadámù. When ascending the mountain he often stopped and gasped for breath. (see hápò).
Dim. and Freq. of hímpok. Nagahimpókhímpok siá sa kabulúsgon. He is short of breath on account of having eaten so much-or-he is panting on account of having an overloaded stomach.
To exert oneself, make great efforts. (see panikasúg, paningúhà, pamurúg-ot, himúg-os, himumúg-ot, hiwág-os).
To exert oneself. See himúd-os.
See himúd-os, múg-ot, pamurús, pamuérsa.
See himosagâ.
Ground roast corn. Ang maís nga sinánlag kon mabókbok ginatawág nga himúgo. Corn that has been roasted and then ground is called "himúgo".
To break, snap; to breathe one's last, break (of the thread of life). Tambongí akó sa ákon paghimúgtò. Assist me when I breathe my last. (see búgtò).
To exert force, make great efforts. See himúd-os, etc.
Molave. (see hamuláwon).
To separate from, etc. See hamulág, bulág.
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