To curse, accurse, imprecate, damn, anathematize, confound, wish or invoke some evil upon. Ginahimaláut sang mga yáwà ang mga matárung. The devils curse the just. Indì ka maghimaláut sa kay bisán sín-o, bisán sa ímo mga kaáway. Do not curse anybody, not even your enemies. Indì mo paghimalaútan (-úton) ang ímo bátà. Don't curse-or-invoke evil on your child. (see panghimaláut, láut).
To start building a house, lay the foundation of something, begin, commence. (see bálay).
To break out afresh, open again, become worse (of wounds, boils, etc.). Nagahimaló ang íya nga katúl, kay kinálot níya. His "katúl" is getting worse, because he has been scratching it. Naghimaló ang íya nga pilás sa tiíl, kay nasúntok sang isá ka baníklan. The wound on his foot broke out afresh, for it received a sharp knock from a piece of wood. (see dalusó).
To give or return "tit for tat", "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", to avenge, take vengeance, retaliate, requite, revenge; retaliation, vengeance, revenge, paying back "in one's own coin". Indì mo paghimalúsan ang nagtístis sang ímo mga tanúm. Don't retaliate on the one who spitefully harmed your plants. Indì ka maghimálus sang maláin nga ginhímò sa ímo sang ibán. Do not take revenge for the evil done you by others. "Akon ang paghimalús, púlong sang Ginóo". "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord". (see bálus, timalús).
Dim. and Freq. of himán. Himánhimán áton mapanilágan--. Quite frequently we may observe--. (see imánimán).
(B) To know where to look for or lay one's hand on a thing, take from a known place. Himat-oní lang ang mga ságing dirâ sa aparadór. Just take the bananas there in the cupboard. Makahimát-on ka balá sang tinápay dirâ sa bakág sa ákon kwárto? Can you find the bread there in the basket in my room? Gintágò ko ang mamón sa baúl, ápang hinimat-onán gid sang mga bátà. I had the cake hidden in the trunk, but still the children knew where to find it. (see matá).
Blood relationship, family members, lineal descendants and ascendants; to be related by blood, come of the same stock, etc. (see bátà).
To believe to be true, be convinced of, swallow, take in, be assured of, assent to, give credence to. Nagahimatúod siá sang ginsúgid ni Fuláno. He believes what has been told by N.N. Indì ka maghimatúod sang mga sugilánon sináng mga hámbug. Don't believe the stories of those braggarts. Ginahimatúod níya ang ginakonó nga mga tumáo sa bóbog. He is convinced of the rumour that there are ghosts in the bobog-tree. (see túod, pamatúod).
To reclaim, redeem, save, recover, win back; to avenge, take revenge. (báwì).
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