To decline, set, go down (of sun, moon, stars).
Sudden, unexpected, instant, abrupt, hasty, all at once, thoughtless, unpremeditated, on the spur of the moment, without reflection, temerarious; to do something under a sudden impulse, act thoughtlessly, rashly. Sa hinálì gid lámang natúmba siá kag napatáy. All at once he dropped down dead. Indì ka maghinálì maghámbal. Don't talk under the impulse of the moment (without reflection). Patawára akó, kay nakahinálì akó maghámbal sang díli nagakaígò. Pardon me, for under the impulse of the moment I have spoken improperly. Sa hinálì ákon siá nakítà sa tungâ sang mga táo. Suddenly I saw him in the midst of the people. (see dalî).
(H) Made into posts or columns, after the manner of posts, etc.; column (of a news-paper).
Pertaining to or like an iguana; to act like an iguana. Nagahinaló siá. He acts like an iguana, (acts as if he were deaf). May batásan siá nga hinaló. He behaves like an iguana. (see haló-iguana).
To exceed reasonable limits, do to excess. Nahinám-an silá sang básol. They were scolded more than they deserved. (see támà).
An oral agreement, understanding or promise, unwritten, by word of mouth. Walâ siá sing hinambalán. He does not keep his word-or-his oral promises or agreements are unreliable. Salalígan ang táo nga may hinambalán. Trustworthy is the man, who is as good as his word. Also: Perf. passive of hámbal. Hinambalán ko siá. I spoke to him (about it).
To mention, refer to, name, allude to, bring forward, give out, relate. Indì ka maghinámbit sang amó nga mga butáng. Don't mention such things. Nahinambitán níya akó sang íya báka nga binalígyà. He mentioned to me that his cow was sold. (see sámbit).
To lie upon or across, to lean upon. (see tángday, bángday, hinalángday).
To reach, come to, amount to. Nagahinangát na sa limá ka líbo ka mángmang ang íya nga ginhinguyáng. He has already spent five thousand pesos. (see dángat).
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