To arrive in time, appear at the right moment, reach at the proper time. Walâ siá makahingábut sa mísa. He did not arrive in time to hear Mass. (see ábut).
To draw or come near, be about to arrive, to persecute, pursue, molest, harass, perplex, annoy, distress, be after; strive, seek to obtain. Ang mga matárung ginahingabút sing masamí sang mga maláut. The just are often persecuted by the wicked. Ginbutangbutángan níla siá sing salâ sa paghingabút sa íya. They slandered him in order to harass him. Indì ka maghingabút sa íya. Don't persecute him. Ang idô nagahingabút sang kánding. The dog is after the goat. (see abút).
From hingálan.
To reach the goal, terminate, complete, finish, get ready, dispatch. Saráng ka makahingágaw dirí sa las dóse? Can you be here at twelve o'clock? Hingagáwon mo ang ákon talahíon sa buás. Finish (or dispatch) my sewing to-morrow. Ginhingágaw níya ang baláy sa walâ magulán. He reached home before it rained. Hingagáwa ang koríyo. Try to reach the mail (i.e. be there when the mail comes in). Makahingágaw ka balá siní túbtub karón sa hápon? Do you think you can finish it this evening? (see ágaw, tápus, hingápus).
See agáwagawón, hilingagawón id.
To get-, take-, covet-, more than others, desire a larger share, be very selfish, outdo others, take the greater part of. Nagahingalában siá sa pagkúhà sang humáy. He is taking more than his share of rice. Indì ka maghingalában sang sugilánon. Don't take upon yourself the largest share of the conversation. Hingalabáni siá sang súgid. Try to surpass him in talking. Ginhingalabánan níya ang íya mga útud sang mánggad nga binílin sang íla mga ginikánan. He overreached his brothers in getting the largest share of the property left by their parents. (see labán, pangunyádì, panginyáwat).
(H) Unnoticed, unobserved, suddenly, without much ado, unexpectedly; repeatedly, at short intervals, again and again, but always in surprise. (see hinálì, dugáydugáy).
(H) To name, give a name, call by name. Dì mo paghingalánan (-ngádlan) ang ngálan sang Diós kon walâ sing kabangdánan. Don't pronounce the name of God without reason. Ginahingádlan (-ngalánan) siá kay Huán-or-nga Huán-or-nga si Huán. He is called John. His name is John. Sín-o ang ipahingálan mo sa ímo bátà? What name will you give your child? How will you have your child named? (ngálan, ngáran).
To burn brightly or fiercely, blaze, be in a blaze, be ablaze, take-, catch-, be on-, fire, be in-, be enveloped in-, flames. Nagahingaláyo na ang baláy. The house is enveloped in flames. (see kaláyo).
To be quick, do at once, anticipate, do with despatch, hurry, take the first opportunity. (see kalít).
To covet, desire, crave, long for, want very much, be engrossed by; strive, make efforts. Indì ka maghingamó sang íya sang ibán. Don't covet what belongs to another. Indì mo paghingamohón ang íya nga báhin. Don't hanker after his share. Ginhingamó níya iníng mga páhò. He longed for these mangoes. Nagahingamó na lang siá sang sáut nga walâ na magadúmdum sang íya mga kaupdánan. He is so absorbed in (engrossed in) dancing that he no longer even thinks of his companions. (see íbug, hánggab).
Of some use, rather useful or important, satisfactory; to be of some use or importance, be rather well off. Walâ man hingán ang ákon pagkádto dídto, kay walâ ko siá maabúti. My going there was of no use, for I did not see him (find him at home). Walâ gid hingán ang pagdalî ko, kay naulanán man akó. My hurry was of no avail, for I was caught in the rain all the same. Sádto ánay ímol gid siá, ápang karón naghingán na ang íya pagkabutáng. He used to be very poor, but now he is rather well off, (has quite a little property). (see águd, pulús).
Dim. and Freq. of hingán. Hingánhingán ang íla pangabúhì. They are living pretty comfortably, (are rather well to do, are neither poor nor very rich).
Arms, weapon.
To regret, etc. See hinúgon.
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