(H) To be in full bloom or strength, developing well. Nagahingulúsgan ang íya pagsúpang. He is in his best growing years, is developing well into manhood. (see kusúg).
To finish, spend all, make an end of, complete. (see úrut).
Worn out, spent, used up, useless. (see hingúrut).
To cut off, finish, end, terminate, complete. Nagahingutás ang íya kabúhì. His life is coming to an end, (is ebbing away). Ginahingutás na níya ang ákon háblon. She is now finishing the weaving of my cloth. Hingutasí akó sa madalî nga saráng mahímò sing tátlo ka bára sang ákon delargóhon, kay may kinahánglan akó nga dakû. Finish for me quickly (as quickly as possible) the weaving of three yards of cloth for my trousers, for I am much in need of it. (see utás, hingágaw, hingápus, hingumán).
To cut off, lop the top off (bamboos, trees, sugar-cane, etc.). Hingutbongí ang kawáyan. Cut off the tip of the bamboo. Ihingútbong iníng binángon sa ághò. Cut off the top of the agho with this bolo. Ihingútbong mo akó sináng mga tubó. Please lop off the tops of those sugar-canes. (see ótbong, útbong).
To spend, lay out, expend, waste; expense, expenditure, waste. (see uyáng).
Also: petition; to petition, etc. See pangáyò, hingáyò.
(H) Shine, lustre, brightness, polish, brilliancy; to shine, be bright, be brilliant, be polished. Nagahíning na ang salúg, kay halampasóhan. The floor is bright now, for it has been polished. Kon hínsan mo sing maáyo ang lamésa magahíning. If you rub the table well it will shine. Pahinínga sing maáyo ang ákon mga sapátos. Polish my boots well. Pahiníngi akó sang ákon mga sapátos. Polish my boots. Nagahíning na ang lamésa nga ímo ginpahídan (-íran). The table which you wiped looks as if it were polished. Ipahíning iníng séra sa salúg. Use this wax to polish the floor. (see sílì, silíng, hínis).
The dialect of the mountains, etc. See hinaráya id.
To rub, polish, clean, scrape (with sand-paper, sand, etc.). Maghínis ka sang mga báso, pínggan, etc.-or-Hínsi (hinísi) ang mga báso, pínggan, etc. Polish (clean) the glasses, plates, etc. Ihínis iníng binókbok nga tísa sa mga toktokón nga mga tenedór. Rub the rusty forks with this brick-dust. Ihínis akó ánay sang mga galamitón sa digamohán. Please clean the kitchen-utensils for me (with sand, etc.).
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