To loaf, idle away the time, be a mischief-maker; loafing. (see huróng, tiyógtiyóg, lág-it).
Climax, apex, acme, culmination; to be absorbed, immersed, engrossed, be at the acme of, reach the height or summit of. Nagahinurungán gid ang íla sugilánon nga walâ silá makabatî sang panóktok sa ganháan. Their conversation was so animated that they did not hear the knock at the door.
To think, plan; to long for, etc. See híngyo.
Trial, hardship, difficulty; to be a trial, be hard, become difficult; pahiól-to beset, bother, molest, harass, cause trouble, hardship or difficulty. Naghiól na ang íya kahimtángan. His position has become difficult. Nagpahiól siá sa ákon. He caused me trouble. He molested me. Ginpahiolán (Ginpahíl-an) ni Fuláno si tátay sa lakás nga pangáyò. Father was greatly bothered by the insistent request of N.N. Pahiolí (Pahíl-i) siá túbtub nga magákig. Harass him till he gets angry. Mahiól ang íla pangabúhì. Their life is a hard or trying one. (see huól).
A kind of vine whose stems are much used for binding purposes, especially in fish-traps, as they are very resistant to the action of water. (see síg-id).
To suborn, bribe, give secretly, pervert by gifts, give hush-money, tamper with, grease one's palm; bribe, hush-money, etc. Hiphipí siá sing písos. Pass him secretly a peso-or-Tip him a peso. Indì ka makahíphip sa íya, kay siá índì gid magpahíphip. You cannot bribe him, for he absolutely will not accept bribes. Ihíphip sa íya iní. Bribe him with this. Hiniphipán níya si Fuláno sing isá ka gatús. He gave N.N. a bribe of one hundred (pesos). (see líklik).
(H) To be or become or make nice, trim, neat, tidy. Naghípid siá karón; sádto damák siá. She has become tidy now; formerly she used to be slovenly. Nahipídan akó sa íya. She appears to me to be very neat. Pahipída (-íra) siá. Make her observe the rules of tidiness-or-Try to make her tidy-or-Order her to dress tidily, etc.
(B) To be tidy, etc. See hípid id.
A kind of small fish, very thin and slender. Ang hípon sing masúnsun ginalusgusán. The hipon-fish is often cooked by the lúsgus-method (i.e. boiled in a nicely determined quantity of water).
A kind of plant.
Anything resembling a hipon-fish.
Silence! Hist! Hush!; silent, dumb, mute, noiseless, mum, speechless, still, hushed; to be silent, keep quiet, hold one's tongue, be still. Hípus-or-maghípus ka. Be quiet. Hold your peace (tongue). Ginhípsan (ginhipúsan) níya ang íya nga salâ. He kept silent about his fault. Pahípsa (Pahipúsa) siá. Order him to be quiet. Make him keep silence. Hípsa (hipúsa) ang ímo bábà. Keep your mouth shut. Be silent. (see himúyong, linóng).
(Sp. jira) Picnic, outing, holiday, party, excursion. (see paliwálíwa, píknik, pahangínhángin, laguyáwan, dayándáyan).
Dim. and Freq. of hírà.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z