The groin.
Dim. of hítà. Anything resembling the groin, as an angled groove, indentations in fruits, etc.
High, elevated, above, eminent, elated, lofty, tall, towering; above, before, previously, some lines or pages back. Ibutáng mo ang krús sa hitáas sang simbáhan. Put the cross on the highest point of the church. Ang nasámbit sa hitáas--. What has been stated above or before--. (see táas).
Remains of food adhering to the inside of a kettle, pot, pan. Tinloí sing maáyo ang kólon, agúd makúhà ang tanán nga hítam. Clean the rice-kettle well, so that all the adhering particles of food may be removed. (see ríka).
To throb, pulsate, beat (of boils, etc.).
Management, contrivance, resourcefulness, machination, ways and means. Maáyo silá sing hitôhítò. Their management is good, (they are managing well). They are quite resourceful. Maáyo ang íla hitôhítò sang piniliáy. Their election-campaign is well managed or organized. (See pahitôhítò-to manage, etc.).
To agree, pull well together, get on well together, hit it well together, be well joined, harmonize, square with, suit or fit together. Silá nga duhá nagahitóhog gid. The two of them are well mated or matched,-are pulling well together. Ang ibán nga mga magasawá walâ paghilitóhog (paghitóhog). Some married couples are not well suited,-are ill-assorted. Hitohóga silá. Try to make them pull together. (see tóhog, alóghog, hisáhò, hiúsa, hitúpul).
See hitsúra.
To cooperate, collaborate, work together, unite, combine, join in, help each other, have unison. Hiúgyon (maghiúgyon) kamó. Cooperate, unite. Naghiliúgyon silá sa pagpatíndog sing ermíta. They helped each other to erect a chapel. They joined together in building a chapel. Hiugyoní nínyo ang kalaíngnon, aradohón, etc. Assist each other in burning out the jungle, in ploughing, etc. (see hitóhog, hiúsa, binuligáy).
To be taken aback, be astonished, be surprised, etc. See oróng, urúng, tingála, búlung.
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