To tire, etc. See pául id. Napiólan-napaúlan.
To be or become tight, straitened, difficult; to oppress, treat harshly. Nagpíot karón ang íya pangabúhì. His life is at present a trying one. He is in a tight fix. He is leading a hard life now. Napít-an kamí sang ámon pangabúhì sa karón nga túig. This year we are living in straitened circumstances. Ginapíot silá sang íla pangolohán. Their government treats them harshly (oppresses them). (see lapígot, pígus).
See the following pípi id.
To rub-, strike-, brush-, wipe-, shake-, dust-, off. Pipíha ang mga subáy sa ímo báyò. Brush the ants off your dress. Pipíhi ang ákon likód sang yáb-ok. Brush (Rub, Wipe) the dust off my back (with the hand or with a brush). (píphi id.).
To strike with a flat instrument, to hammer; beat, slap with the hand repeatedly or in quick succession (especially in connection with massaging); to shampoo, clean the hair and scalp with a hair-wash; to prepare a hair-wash from the salangkógi-bark, or the like, by hammering (beating, crushing) the bark and dissolving its juice in water; to use or apply such a hair-wash. Pipíi (Pîpií) akó sing hinakí. Prepare a hair-wash for me. Pápà ka sing hinakí nga ipípì (ipîpî) sa ákon bohók. Beat out some bark (Prepare a hairwash) for cleaning my hair. Pipíi (Pîpií) ang ákon bohók sing hinakí. Pour some hair-wash over my hair. Pinipían (Pinîpián) níla ang bútkon ni Fuláno sa pagpaúmpaw sa íya. They slapped N.N.'s arm in order to bring him to. (see pápà, pâpâ).
To empty completely, let fall out the last drop (from a bottle, or the like). (see titî). Also: to roll, twist, squeeze. See pilípis.
(B) How many, how much. See pilá.
A kind of sea-shell.
Dim. and Freq. of píraw-to burn dimly. (see kiráw-kiráw).
To shine feebly, burn dimly or low, give but little light. Nagapíraw na gid lámang ang kandílà, kay upúd na kaáyo. The candle gives now only a little light, for it is burned to a very short stump. (see kíraw).
To quiver, tremble, quake. Nagapíri ang matá níya. His eye quivers (is quivering).
Dim. and Freq. of píri. Nagapirípíri pa ang inútud nga íkog sang tagútò. The broken-off tail of the lizard is still wriggling.
See pilípis, pípis-to squeeze, twist, roll (between the fingers).
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