Dim. and Freq. of tápal, tapál. Also: to square up, settle amicably, smooth things over (as a quarrel, controversy, or the like). (see kamólkámol, kapánkápan).
A block, bench, any kind of surface on which something is laid for cutting, etc.; a scape-goat, one made to bear the blame for another.
Dim. and Freq. of tápan. Also: To settle peacefully, etc. (see kapánkápan, kamólkámol, tapáltápal).
See tarápang, sápak. Nagpinalágyo silá kag nagdalágan nga walâ sing tápang. They fled and ran without any set purpose where to go or what to do next. Walâ sing tápang ang íla pagginásto. There is no order or account-keeping in their expenditure. Kon kís-a nagakatápang siá ngá[**typo for nga or ngáa?] daw dídto siá sa íya baláy. Now and then he imagines as if he were at home (in his own house).
To happen, chance, come to pass, etc. See tabô. Natapángan ko gid ang íla pagáway. I just happened to be present at their fight. Nakatápang akó sang íla panyága. I chanced to come upon them when they were-having dinner,-at dinner.
(Sp. tapanco) Awning; small shop, selling-booth; counter, stall, table, especially in a market; tax or excise to be paid for a stall in a public market place. May tapángko ikáw? Have you paid your stall-tax? Have you got, or paid for, a stall or booth?
Coconut-husks, the thick, fibrous layer surrounding the coconut shell; also used as a verb. Gintapásan níla ang lubí. They stripped the coconut of its husk. (see bunót).
To cut down, fell, mow, mow down, cut low shrubs, reeds, under brush etc. Tápsa ang tígbaw. Cut down the tígbaw reeds. Itapás iníng binángon. Use this bolo for cutting. (For felling large trees púkan is more used).
To resolve firmly, be resolved, make a resolution, make up one's mind, determine steadfastly, to do resolutely. Magtapát ka sing malíg-on nga dílì ka na magliwát sinâ. Make a firm resolution not to do that again. Tapatón mo gid ang pagpatáy sang mán-og (sawá). Kill the snake resolutely (determinately).
With determination, in defiance of, determinately, resolutely, in spite of, notwithstanding, nevertheless, however, yet, though, although, but. Bangúd nga madánlug gid ang dálan ginámlig níya ang íya pagtikáng; tapát gánì nakadúpyas siá kag nahúlug sa kalóg. On account of the slipperiness of the road he picked his steps very carefully; yet in spite of it he slipped and fell into the ditch. Dakû gid ang íya paghingamó nga magmánggad, tapát gánì namúsmus siá. He had a great ambition to become rich; he became, however, very poor. Tapát nga íla ginahingabút ang Sánta Iglésya, tapát nagadámù ang íya mga sinákup (tapát siá nagadúgang). They may persecute the Church, but she is ever growing. (see agád, hinonóo).
Leaven, yeast, barm; to leaven, cause to ferment. Tapáyi ang kán-on, kay sapálon ko. Put some leaven into the cooked rice, for I am going to pickle it. (see tinápay-bread).
(H) A touch, rap, tap, stroke (of a whip, of the tip of a finger, etc.); to strike or beat lightly, to touch, rap. Tinápdas níya sang íya kamót ang ilóng ni Fuláno. He tapped N.N.'s nose with his hand. Ang tápdas sang íya kamót. The tap (rap, stroke) from his hand. Ang pagdaúg níya sa sugál tápdas gid lámang. He very seldom wins at cards. Tapdasá ang íya dalúnggan. Rap his ear. (see kúhit, káblit).
To clean or dress split bamboo with the bolo so as to make it fit for weaving purposes, to trim or prepare splints for wickerwork. Ginatapgohán níya ang kawáyan nga tinádtad. He is trimming or dressing the split bamboo in order to make it suitable for wickerwork. (see talapgóhan, águs).
From tahúp-to sift rice, etc.
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